Cat Breeds

Siamese - Mysterious Genetics of the Feline Royal
Cat Breeds
Siamese - Mysterious Genetics of the Feline Royal

To help you understand the root of the problem and our future plans for the [Siamese] breed, we have summarized a brief introduction into the breed history, Siamese genetics and our forthcoming strategy for the reintroduction of the breed to the [Basepaws] reports.

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Body Type Mutations In Cats
Cat GeneticsCat Breeds
Body Type Mutations In Cats

Genetic mutations are permanent alterations of genes, and some can result in differences in physical appearance. Here are some body-type mutations in cats.

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Meow! Who Is The Chattiest Kitty?
Cat Breeds
Meow! Who Is The Chattiest Kitty?

Abyssinians are one of the quietest cats out there, while Siamese tend to be very chatty. Dear cat lovers, here is the list of the most vocal cat breeds!

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