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Characteristics, History, and Health


Western Breeds

The name Chausie (pronounced Chaw-See) derives from the Latin name "Felis Chaus," meaning "jungle cat." The Chausie is a mix between a wild cat and an Abyssinian. When it comes to owning a Chausie, there is never a dull moment. Whether they are showing you their high-flying circus skills or dazzling you with their exotic looks, the highly intelligent and playful Chausie will make your life truly exciting!

Main Info
Africa, Asia
Coat Pattern
Brown ticked tabby, grizzled tabby, silver tipped, solid black
Coat Length
Health Issues
  • No strongly associated genetic conditionsNo strongly associated genetic conditions
  • Requires specific dietRequires specific diet

Main Characteristics of the Chausie

Chausie is equipped with a long, graceful yet robust frame with a barreled chest and weight ranging from 13 to 26 pounds (6 to 12 kilograms), giving them a striking presence. The Chausie has shorter tails compared to most domesticated breeds alongside triangular heads
and high cheekbones. Their rounded muzzles and large eyes make their appearance quite statuesque. Having a true athletic cat body with tufts of hair coming from their ears like that of a lynx harken back to their wild cat ancestry.

When it comes to the Chausie outfit, they are fitted with a short and silky coat typically of a 'Grizzled Tabby' or 'Brown Ticked Tabby' pattern. While the Chausie can also display a solid black coat, the 'ticking' pattern (when two different colors alternate on a single hair) is associated with their Abyssinian heritage. A black coat with silver ticking, known as "Silver Tipped' is a unique feature that is only found in the Chausie breed is a coat of black with silver ticking, called 'Silver Tipped'. The Chausie's coarse topcoat and dense undercoat are designed to withstand and wick away the jungle-like weather elements, which helps keep maintenance of their fur to a minimum. A weekly brushing should be all that's needed to keep your Chausie looking their best.

Chausie Origin

Thousands of years ago the Chausie could be found throughout the Nile River region in Africa and eventually in South Asia. Ancient Egyptians were known to domesticate these wild cats and were so revered that there have been many cases of finding them mummified in tombs to accompany their humans into the afterlife. During the 1960s and 1970s, U.S. breeders began to cross-breed the Chaus (Wild Cat) with domesticated cats, such as the Oriental Shorhair, Bengal, and Abyssinian, to yield litters with physical traits that resembled those of wild cats.

Chausie Personality Traits

Because the Chausie breed is so active, they need proper exercise. If you are lucky enough to have what many cat guardians consider the holy grail of cat environments, a catio filled with cat towers and toys is an excellent addition to the Chausie's world. They are very eager to please, and are known to form loving, affectionate, and lasting bonds with their humans. However, they are not recommended for families with small children or smaller pets, as they frequently display their wild nature. They are known to have playful and kitten-like energy
well into their senior years.

Chausie Common Health Issues

While there are no hereditary health problems tightly associated with the Chausie, the number one health concern for the breed is diet-related. Genetically speaking, Chausies remain similar to their wild cat ancestors, which is reflected in their dietary needs. This means that the Chausie requires a high meat diet without vegetables, grains, or gluten. Their digestive system cannot break down plant matter, which results in inflammation and diminished capacity to absorb nutrients needed for proper nutrition. 

Chausie Fun Facts

  • The Chausie's massive size has them often referred to as an "Abyssinian on Steroids " or "the Arnold Schwarzenegger of cats."

  • Although the Chausie is smaller than a Maine Coon, they still are one of the 5 biggest domestic cats in the world, as they can grow up to 15 inches tall and weigh up to 25 pounds.

  • Chausies love to climb and can jump six to eight feet and they are known as fast runners.

  • They make great traveling and walking companions, since they are known as highly intelligent and easy to leash train.

Chausie Cat Characteristics

10-15 years
Good with
Other cats, not for families with children or smaller pets
Shedding amount
Affection level
Activity level
Tendency to vocalize
Low to Medium
Exercise needs


The International Cat Association (TICA) Chausie Breed Introduction

FETCH by WebMD "What to Know About Chausie Cats"

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