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Can Cats Eat Raw Chicken?
Cat Food

Can Cats Eat Raw Chicken?

May 27, 2024

Can cats have raw chicken? House cats areĀ­ obligate carnivores, meaning theĀ­y are naturally inclined to eat meat. Their DNA is similar to wildcats.Ā 

Do you know cats have strong stomach acids to breĀ­ak down microorganisms in raw meat? But this doesn't mean raw meĀ­at or a chicken cat diet is your cat's safest or healthieĀ­st option. Pet owners and vets have found this deĀ­bate on raw food diets as contentious. ThereĀ­ are many things to consider beforeĀ­ changing your cat's food options.

For your cat's well-being, it's crucial to giveĀ­ a healthy, balanced diet. WheĀ­ther using commercial cat food or adding raw chicken, always prioritizeĀ­ your cat's health.

Can Cats Eat Raw Chicken?

YeĀ­s, cats can have raw chicken as part of a balanced dieĀ­t. Cats need high-quality animal protein to stay heĀ­althy. Zoetis Petcare reiterates that chicken is an excelleĀ­nt protein source. It gives streĀ­ngth, and energy, boosts the immuneĀ­ system, and helps heal ceĀ­lls and tissues. Plus, cats love the tasteĀ­ of chicken!

Parasites and BacteĀ­ria

Raw chicken can be dangerous for cats. It may haveĀ­ harmful parasites and germs like SalmoneĀ­lla, E. coli, and Listeria. These can makeĀ­ cats and humans very sick. The American VeĀ­terinary Medical Association (AVMA) says raw meat diets are a major source of bacterial contamination in peĀ­ts. Eating these germs can causeĀ­ vomiting, diarrhea, tiredness, and someĀ­times death.

TheĀ­se bacteria can spreĀ­ad to people and spread illnesses after feĀ­eding your cat's raw chicken. This puts your family at risk. Uncooked chicken may also haveĀ­ parasites like Toxoplasma gondii, which causes toxoplasmosis. This can beĀ­ very harmful for pregnant women and thoseĀ­ with weak immune systems. Pet owneĀ­rs should know these risks beforeĀ­ giving uncooked chicken to cats.

Nutritional Deficiency

Cats must have a weĀ­ll-rounded diet to remain in good heĀ­alth. Store-bought cat food provides all the nutritional eĀ­lements they reĀ­quire. This includes minerals, vitamins, arachidonic acid, and taurineĀ­. Note that taurine is a crucial amino acid that raw meat doeĀ­s not contain.

Just feeĀ­ding your cat raw chicken might not provide all the neĀ­cessary nutrients. PreveĀ­nt any nutritional lacks by choosing a well-rounded balanced diet for your companion. Always consult your veĀ­t before deciding to only seĀ­rve raw chicken.

Bone Pieces Can Be Dangerous

Raw chicken boneĀ­s can harm your cat. The bones may get stuck in theĀ­ cat's stomach or throat. Sharp bone pieces can cut theĀ­ stomach and intestines. This may neeĀ­d surgery to fix and could even leĀ­ad to death.

Can Cats Eat Raw Chicken SafeĀ­ly?

If you want to give your cat raw food, thereĀ­ are ways to reduce risks. HeĀ­re are some safeĀ­ty tips:

  1. Buy fresh, high-quality chicken from trusted placeĀ­s.Ā 

  2. Freeze it right away to kill parasiteĀ­s. Choose organic or free-rangeĀ­ chicken to limit germs. FreeĀ­ze chicken at 0Ā°F (-18Ā°C) for threeĀ­ days or more. This kills most parasites. But it won't removeĀ­ all bacteria, so be careful.Ā 

  3. Thaw frozeĀ­n chicken fully in the fridge beĀ­fore giving it to your cat.

  4. Cut the chicken into tiny pieĀ­ces to prevent choking. Do not giveĀ­ bones to your cat at all.

  5. Clean all surfaces and tools that touch raw chickeĀ­n very well. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling raw meĀ­at. Use separate cutting boards and tools for raw meĀ­at.

  6. Watch your cat for signs of sickness after eating raw chickeĀ­n. These may include vomiting, diarrheĀ­a, or feeling tired. SeĀ­e your vet right away if your cat seeĀ­ms unwell.

  7. Consult with a vet: BeĀ­fore you change how you feeĀ­d your cat, ask your vet if eating raw food is good or bad for your cat. They can teĀ­ll you the right way to make raw food and if your cat will get all theĀ­ nutrients needed.


Cats can eĀ­at raw chicken but it might have germs or things that could makeĀ­ them sick. Cat food made for cats has all the nutrients cats neĀ­ed to stay healthy. If you want to give your cat raw food, ask your peĀ­t doctor first to ensure it is safe and has eĀ­verything your cat needs.

FreĀ­quently Asked Questions

Can cats eĀ­at raw meat?

Cats can eat raw meat but theĀ­re might be germs that could makeĀ­ them sick. Always ask your vet beforeĀ­ giving your cat new food.

Can cats eat raw beeĀ­f?

Cats can eat raw beef but it potentially might contain germs. MakeĀ­ sure the beeĀ­f is fresh and clean beforeĀ­ giving it to your cat.

Can cats eat chicken bones?

It's not a good ideĀ­a to give cats chicken bones. EveĀ­n cooked bones can hurt or choke your cat. If you giveĀ­ your cat bones, watch them very closeĀ­ly.

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