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Can Cats Have Yogurt?
Cat Food

Can Cats Have Yogurt?

Yogurt has been around for decades and is known for its nutritional benefits for humans. However, when it comes to sharing your food with your feline friend, you want to make sure it's safe to do so. Can cats eat yogurt? We seek to answer this common question in this guide.

Cats can safely eat yogurt. Although cats are lactose intolerant, they can eat yogurt. The lactose in yogurt and the live bacteria in it can be digested easily by your cat's digestive system.

The only precaution before giving your cat yogurt is ensuring that the yogurt is unsweetened, unflavored, and plain. Flavored yogurt contains Xylitol, which is toxic to cats.

Understanding Lactose Intolerance in Cats

Cats are lactose intolerant. For cats to digest milk and dairy products, they need lactase. Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down the sugar in milk into lactose. Cats lack lactase in their digestive systems and when they drink milk, it results in an upset digestive system. Ironically, when kittens feed on their mother’s milk, their system processes and produces lactose. But, as they grow old and are weaned, they lose lactase.

Yogurt has a lower lactose content than whole milk making it safe for cats. Symptoms of lactose intolerance include diarrhea, abdominal pain, lethargy, and vomiting. When you see these symptoms, observe your cat. If the symptoms are mild, you can watch them at home. But if the symptoms are severe or persist for more than 12 hours, take your cat to the vet immediately.

Health Benefits of Yogurt for Cats

Is yogurt good for cats? Yogurt is a nutrient-packed food. It contains proteins, calcium, vitamins B2 and B12, magnesium, and potassium. 

The health benefits of serving your cat with yogurt are:


Yogurt contains culture that's formed during the fermentation process that can help with bloating, gas, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Also, it contains gut-friendly bacteria that help with digestion.

Probiotics also boost and strengthen the immune system.


Calcium helps with nerve impulse transmission, bone structure, and teeth health. 

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, breaks down fats, boosts oxygen supply, and helps with absorption of nutrients.

Potential Risks of Yogurt for Cats

Although your cat can enjoy yogurt as an occasional treat, it does have its risks. These risks include:

Lactose Intolerance

Cats are lactose intolerant to milk and dairy products. Consumption of yogurt in excess will lead to digestive issues. Your cat's digestive system can only tolerate yogurt in small portions. 

Excess Sugar 

Yogurt contains sugar and if given in large portions, the excess sugar will lead to weight gain, dental issues, and diabetes. Only give your cat unsweetened yogurt as you don’t want to add more sugar to their diet.

Toxic Ingredients 

Flavored and sweetened yogurts contain flavors and sweeteners that are toxic to cats.

Types of Yogurt Cats Can Have and Cannot Have

Cats can only safely eat unsweetened, unflavored, plain yogurt. The crÚme de la crÚme of the safest yogurt for your cat is Greek yogurt. Its creamy texture is also appealing to your cat. 

Avoid flavored yogurt like vanilla, yogurts with flavored fruits, and yogurt with chocolate. These are harmful to your cat. Always read the labels and avoid ingredients like sweeteners that contain Xylitol. 

How to Safely Introduce Yogurt to Your Cat

Before serving your cat yogurt, always keep in mind the 10% rule regarding treats. Your cat's treats shouldn't contain more than 10% of their diet. They should get their nutrients from 90% of their core diet.

While some cats can tolerate milk and dairy products, to safely introduce yogurt to your cat:

  1. Choose plain, unsweetened, and unflavored yogurt.

  2. Start with small portions like a teaspoon. Don't let your cat lick straight from the container.

  3. Observe and monitor for any reactions like vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. 

  4. Don't feed yogurt to kittens. Their digestive system is fragile.

Alternatives to Yogurt for Cats

Although yogurt for cats is a safe idea, there are other healthier alternatives. These are:

Cat-safe Probiotics

Although yogurt is popular for its probiotic properties, it's not the best way to supplement probiotics in your cat's diet. There are cat-safe probiotics that are designed specifically for cats. 

These probiotics have healthy bacteria, no toxic ingredients, and have lower calories. Also, they help with hairballs and the prevention of gum diseases.

Lactose-free Milk Products

As the name suggests, lactose-free milk products contain lactase enzymes that can break down sugar into lactose. Cats can enjoy lactose-free milk products like soy milk, almond milk, and coconut milk. However, these shouldn't be served regularly. 

Fermented Food for Cats

Fermented food is a popular trend with pet parents as they're a great source of probiotics. Some of the fermented food for cats include pickled carrots, milk kefir, and sauerkraut. But you should always consult your veterinarian before introducing any type of fermented food into your cat’s diet.

We hope this article has answered the question, “Can cats eat yogurt?” However, the key is moderation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can cats eat Greek yogurt?

Yes. It's plain, unsweetened, and unflavored making it safe for your cat.

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