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How Often do you Take a Cat to the Vet?
Cat WellnessCats BehaviorCats Care

How Often do you Take a Cat to the Vet?

October 16, 2022

A cat is a great addition to any family. Cats are lovable, cuddly companions that can fill your home with love and fun. But did you know that your feline friend also needs regular veterinary care just like you do? Some people are very dedicated and go every month, but others only check their cats when they're sick. The truth is, it's a good idea to take your cat to the vet for regular checkups. How often you do this depends on the age of your cat and how healthy she is. Here's what you need to know about taking your cat to the vet and how often this should happen.

Kitten Vet Visits

Kitten vet visits are recommended, and it's important to take your kitten to the vet for her first visit as soon as possible. She will need a full medical exam that includes vaccines, tests for parasites and other infections, bloodwork, and sometimes an x-ray.

As a general rule of thumb: most vets recommend that you bring your kitten in for her first checkup within two weeks of bringing her home. Most kittens are healthy enough to handle the stress of their first trip to the veterinarian's office at this point; but if you have any concerns about how she'll react when you take her out in public or around other animals (say, if she's skittish), then it may be best to wait until she spends with you some time before taking her for an initial appointment.

Also remember: if there were any issues while she was being treated at the shelter—for example, if they gave her medication or dewormer—it is important that these issues be addressed during this visit so that they don't continue into adulthood (and potentially become serious).

Adult Cat Vet Visits

As your cat ages or becomes an adult, you should bring them to the vet for routine checkups at least twice a year. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals recommends that healthy adult cats be seen by a veterinarian twice annually. This will allow their healthcare team to monitor your pet's overall health and give you the chance to ask questions about their care.

The vet will likely check your cat's weight and temperature and perform visual examinations of its coat, eyes, ears, and mouth. The vet may also perform blood tests or other diagnostic procedures if necessary.

Senior Cat Vet Visits

Senior cat vet visits are the same as other vet visits, but there are some important differences.

When you take a senior cat to the vet, look for signs of age-related changes. For example, it's normal for older cats to have trouble jumping or climbing stairs. It's also common for their teeth and gums to be less healthy than when they were younger. These things can cause pain and make eating difficult, so it may be time to give your pet special food that is easy on his teeth and gums.

Your vet will probably want to do blood tests on your senior pet every year or two if everything seems okay physically—but if something seems out-of-whack with his immune system (for example), then talk with your veterinarian about getting more frequent testing done every six months instead of yearly.

Senior cats are generally considered to be those that are 7 years of age or older. As your cat ages, it is important to schedule regular vet visits so that you can monitor his health and well-being. Senior cats tend to show signs of illness and pain as they age, which means you’ll want to bring your senior cat in for regular checkups.

Veterinarians recommend that all cats receive a senior checkup once every 6 months and a senior vaccination once every year. During these visits, the veterinarian will check for signs of illness or pain in addition to administering any necessary vaccinations or dental cleanings if needed.

In addition to these standard procedures, it’s also important for pet parents who have cats who aren’t eating or drinking well at home (signs include refusing food/water) to bring them to the vet ASAP because this may be an indication of something more serious going on such as cancerous tumors in their mouth lining causing difficulty chewing/swallowing food properly.

Is Your Cat Due for a Vet Visit?

When should I take my cat to the vet? Although there are no set guidelines for when you should take your cat to the vet, there are some signs that might indicate it’s time. If you notice any of these symptoms in your pet, it’s best to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian:

  • Lethargy or decreased appetite;

  • Sneezing and coughing;

  • Diarrhea;

  • Vomiting;

  • Weight loss (this can also be a sign of diabetes);

  • Howling or excessive licking

  • Hiding or avoiding the litter box; and

  • Shivering or signs of hypothermia.

When to take your cat to the vet?

  • At least once a year. The vet will give your cat a general health exam and make sure that everything is in order.

  • If you notice any changes in your cat's behavior. If he is not his usual self, or if he is acting differently than usual, it may be time to go see the vet!

  • If your cat gets sick or injured. Even if it's just an upset stomach (which can happen even with people!), taking him to the vet for some advice and treatment could save both of you from heartache down the road!

  • If you have a newborn baby or another new family member who hasn't had all their shots yet.

Kittens/puppies are supposed to have shots before being around babies under 1 year old because they could have serious illnesses like parvovirus which would spread through bodily fluids on hands and then to touching surfaces where food or drink goes into mouths. Because of this, everyone should wash their hands thoroughly after handling pets. Dogs can transmit fleas that bite humans but aren't harmful unless they carry disease-causing bacteria such as anthrax spores, tapeworms, hookworms, and roundworms. Hookworms cause blood loss which leads to anemia so we recommend yearly fecal exams especially after traveling abroad where one might unwittingly ingest contaminated water without knowing. Until symptoms appear later when it is already too late.

Pet owners should also ensure their homes are free of fleas before welcoming new pets inside since they can infect humans with dangerous parasites such as Toxocara gondii which causes blindness if left untreated!

Tips to Make your Cat Comfortable During Vet Visits

  1. Be sure to take along one of your cat's favorite toys or blankets when you go for their checkup. This will help them feel more at ease and less stressed about being somewhere new.

  2. Don't try and stop your cat from hiding under furniture or behind curtains when they're feeling anxious—it's perfectly normal for them to do so! Instead of trying to coax them out from their hiding spot, just sit quietly with them until they come out on their own accord (or if not, then give them time).


Taking your cat to the vet is always a good idea. It’s important to know when it’s time for regular visits and when you might need to make an emergency visit. Kittens need regular checkups and vaccinations, while adult cats should see the veterinarian at least once every year or two. Senior cats may require more frequent visits if they start experiencing any health issues that require monitoring or treatment by a professional.

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