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How to Stop Kitten from Biting
Cats BehaviorCat Training

How to Stop Kitten from Biting

Getting a pint-sized, cute, and joyful kitten, meowing their way into your heart is all fun; however, their sharp teeth biting hands and feet, not so much. It’s common for us to think, “My cat bites me, it’s okay, it’s normal cat behavior," but it doesn’t have to be!

The article serves as a guide to learning how to stop your kitten from biting. It provides insights into varied reasons your kitten bites and the effective ways to stop this behavior.

Kittens Need to Bite Something

Since kittens are predators, and so they naturally practice their attack on something that moves. That is why it is imperative to get your kitten to play with toys and allow them to chew or bite them, not your hands and feet. There are reasons your kitten is biting or chewing on things and your hands. 


Pouncing and biting are parts of kitten play. This is their way of exploring their surroundings, socializing with other kittens, and rehearsing hunting.


The pain in gums and growing teeth may cause kittens to chew on feet and fingers. If your kitten is 3-4 months old, they must have started teething and may have realized that nipping or biting on things may ease some discomfort.

Seeking Attention

One of the reasons your cat chews on you may be asking for attention. This is how they usually communicate their needs. Your cat may be asking for some playtime or food. 


Kittens often give their pet parents affectionate bites, like a nibble. It usually starts with licking and then nipping or biting - mostly due to overstimulation. This normally happens with adult cats, but kittens can also behave this way. 

Stress, Anxiety or Fear

Kitten biting may also indicate that they are stressed or anxious. They usually attack when they feel threatened. Changes in your home, such as the presence of other pets or people or loud noises are some of the common causes of feeling anxious or frightened. 

Medical Conditions

The kitten may bite you when they are not feeling well or in pain. It could be a sign of a medical condition, such as an injury. The symptoms of illness you must look out for include diarrhea, vomiting, and inadequate appetite. Speak with a veterinarian immediately in this case.

How to Discipline a Kitten and Stop From Biting

If you are sure the biting is not because of a medical condition, here are some tips to discipline your kitten and help stop them from biting.

Reward Good Behavior

Kittens typically bite to satisfy their instinct to hunt. If you don’t want them to attack your hands and feet, you can use a toy to instill good behavior. 

Start with moving around their toy and let them engage with it. Allow them to stalk, chase, pounce, and catch it. And when they do that, let your kitten bite and kick the toy before moving it again. 

As the session ends, offer them a treat or meal to satisfy their natural instinct to eat after a kill. This way, you can keep their teeth away from you and reward good behavior. According to an article by Zoetis, when your kitten attacks you, try to disengage and move their attention to a suitable thing. 

Avoid Using Your Hands as Toys

To keep your kitten away from your hands and feet, make them understand that your hands are not toys. It can only happen when you stop using them as one. 

Avoid rough play that encourages them to become aggressive and attack you. Gently play with toys, such as wand toys or balls. This way, you can bond with your kitten and help reinforce good behavior by rewarding them. 

Redirect the Kitten's Attention

The kitten usually playfully bites hands or feet out of boredom and takes them as a play object. To help curb this behavior, you must provide them with 15-minute play sessions several times. Make sure to use a wand toy or other interactive toy. 

Moreover, a cat tree and scratching posts are all great for enriching their environment. Your kitten can play, explore, and relax in these places. 

Yell "Ouch"

Yell “ouch” loudly when your kitten bites. It will divert the kitten's attention to your words, and when you have that, take your hand away slowly. Try not to move your hand quickly because it can make them think you are playing and may try to bite again. 

Provide Them With Lots of Toys

If you want to stop your kitten from biting your hands and feet, provide them with lots of toys to encourage engagement with suitable objects. Give them plush toys, crinkle balls, wand toys, tunnels, and other interactive toys.

Encourage Socialization With Playmates

Socializing with playmates also helps kill boredom. According to PetMD, it is better to adopt a pair of kittens. It helps them to learn that they can bite each other and not you. Also, if you have more than one kitten encourage them to play with each other. This way, they can pounce, chase, and bite each other as much as they want. 

Consult an Expert

If your cat is biting and is not budging when you are trying everything to stop this behavior, then it could be an indication of a more serious issue. The kitten might have an injury you do not know about, might not be feeling well, or might be scared. In this case, you need to consult with your veterinarian or a behaviorist to understand the suitable course of action.  


Biting is a normal behavior in kittens. You can stop this behavior by dealing with it with patience and kindness, using a positive reinforcement approach. Proper playtime and socialization while they are small also help reduce this behavior early on.  

Frequently Asked Questions

How to stop a kitten from biting?

Some ways to stop a kitten from biting include redirecting their attention, encouraging socializing with playmates, providing lots of toys, and rewarding good behavior. 

Why is my cat biting me?

Your cat may be biting because they are anxious or scared, are teething, want to play with you, or due to a medical condition.

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