Cats have been considered magical creatures for centuries. A vivid example of such beliefs is Ancient Egypt, where all representatives of the cat family were equated with deities. If you are a cat fan, you may want to know when is cat day celebrated. Exactly 21 years ago, the International Fund for Animal Rights called on all those who are not indifferent to celebrate August 8 as International Cat Day.
History of International Cat Day
If you want to know why this date was chosen for International Cat Day know its origin, then you may have already guessed. The day was chosen to coincide with the traditional celebration of the female cat-goddess Bastet in Ancient Egypt.
International Cat Day is observed throughout Europe on February 17, though. An Italian journalist who worked for the publication Tuttogatto - World Cat Day created this event. They asked the magazine's readers to help them decide when to celebrate Italy's Day of the Cat in 1990. With time, the European continent adopted this concept, giving the holiday a worldwide feel.
International Cat Day Timeline
Many nations have adopted this custom. Nevertheless, some people choose to observe the holiday on a different day:
Poland - February 17;
Japan - February 22;
Russia - March 1;
USA - October 16.
Every year around the world on this day, various competitions dedicated to mustachioed friends are held. The owners of purebred pets bring them to the celebrations to win another prize, and also just relax in the company of the same lovers of furry pets.
For instance, the United States shares two dates: October 29 is Cat Day and October 16 is Stray Cat Day. The Homeless Animals Foundation organizes fundraising activities and charity events to support homeless four-legged animals.
How to Celebrate International Cat Day
Hopefully, we helped answer one of the most common questions “When is International Cat Day?” There are many ways you can personally celebrate International Cat Day. In many countries, all bans are canceled on this day: you can go to cafes and restaurants, shops and cinemas with cats. This tradition proves that people want and can treat our smaller brothers with respect.
The cat cult has a lengthy history in many countries, but especially in Japan. They have series and paintings created in their honor. There is a shrine to the Cat God on an island called Toshiro. Cats are accepted for public service in England. They frequently guard grain and museum exhibits against rats in warehouses and museums. Meat and milk are used as forms of payment.

According to statistics, today cats occupy the first place among pets and almost everyone has a small fluffy or bald purring animal at home, or even several. It is believed that these incredible fluffy creatures are independent and wayward, but they will meet you at home with great pleasure and love to give you their affection and attention. And by the way, it has been scientifically proven that cat owners have a 30% reduction in the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes.
Happy International Cat Day to you and your four-legged family, dear friends! Do not forget to please your furry friends with goodies and give them your care and love!