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Kitten Not Eating? Common Causes and Solutions
Cat Food

Kitten Not Eating? Common Causes and Solutions

July 20, 2024

Having a new kitten can be wonderful. They are a bundle of joy. You prepare for their arrival and try to make everything as perfect as possible. So why is it that your kitten is turning away from the meal that you have lovingly arranged for them? It is not necessarily due to a health concern so don’t panic. If you are researching “My cat stopped eating,” stop here. We discuss all the reasons and teach you how to pinpoint the exact one.

Reasons Why Your Kitten Isn’t Eating

A cat not eating or drinking is not something trivial. Let’s find out why it happens.

The Location of the Bowl Isn’t Right

Try moving their bowl to a new location. Some cats like to eat in a private location. If you put the bowl where people or other animals are nearby, the kitten will not eat from it. Move the bowl and try to avoid going near it so that the kitten can eat their meal in peace.

They Don’t Like the Type of Bowl

The material of the feeding bowl is also a major factor. The cat won't eat out of a steel or plastic bowl. If that is what you are using now, switch to a ceramic bowl. These bowls do not retain the smell of food from before so it feels fresh. Find a bowl that is wide and shallow so that their whiskers do not touch the sides. The whiskers are highly sensitive and kittens do not like it when they touch the sides.

They Aren’t Used to the Food

When you adopt a kitten from someone, never forget to ask them about the type of food they have been eating. Sometimes kittens do not like to switch foods and might stop eating altogether. Even if you want to change their food, do it gradually.

They Feel a Little Stressed

Allow them time to unwind and adjust to their new surroundings because stress has a major impact on eating patterns.

They Have Toothache

Remember when you last had a toothache? You probably weren't able to eat anything at all. Same goes for our adorable kittens. They can also be teething which means swollen gums that ache all the time. The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) advises using dental treats accompanied by regular dental checkups and brushing the teeth to avoid toothache.

They May Not Feel Well

A kitten’s aversion to food could be because they are sick. Lethargy, vomiting or sleeping too much along with aversion to food can be serious.

Your Kitten Has Recently Had Their Vaccinations

Vaccinations make the kitten feel feverish for a few hours. If you’re thinking “My cat stopped eating after vaccination,” then there is no cause for concern. The kitten will be back to eating normally in a matter of hours.

What Do I Do When My New Kitten Isn't Eating?

Cat not eating much but acting normal is common. There are a few things you can try.

Warm Up the Food

Microwave for 10 to 15 seconds. When the food warms up, the wafting aroma will appeal to the kitten.

Hand-Feeding Techniques

Sometimes it helps to hand-feed the kitten till they start to feel more comfortable in the new environment. Make sure that you hand-feed near their bowl and feeding location. Eventually you can make the transition to the bowl.

Mixing Food with a Tasty Broth

At times the simple reason your kitten is avoiding food is blandness. Make a chicken or beef broth and add it to the food. The broth should not be cold as it will be unappealing.

Quiet and Safe Space

Kittens need a safe space to eat comfortably. Find them a quiet corner where they will not be disturbed at all.

Consistent Feeding Schedule

Stick to a feeding schedule as much as possible. Feeding at odd times can cause anorexia or obesity in cats.

Appropriate Food and Water Bowls

Find bowls that are the perfect width and depth. The material is also important so use a good one.

Gradual Transition to New Food

Never introduce new food suddenly. Start by introducing tiny amounts of new food daily. Increase the amount day by day till they are ready for a complete conversion.

When Should I Worry About My Kitten Not Eating?

When all measures fail, go to the vet. They may conduct x-rays, abdominal ultrasounds and some blood tests to get to the bottom of the problem, according to the American Association of Feline Practitioners.

A new kitten not eating food can be due to a number or reasons. Offer a variety of food options to find the one they really like. Visit the vet when necessary and make sure that your kitten is otherwise healthy.

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