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Why do cats eat grass
Cat NeedsCat WellnessCats Behavior

Why do cats eat grass

February 23, 2023

Can cats eat grass?

Is grass beneficial for cats? Yes, but not every type of grass. There are certain plants (e.g. wheatgrass) that a cat truly needs. At the same time, other plants of closely related species might or might not be suitable for cats.

Important: if your cat eats too many leaves or eats them every day, contact your veterinarian. Perhaps the feline has issues with their digestive system or vitamin deficiency.

a couple of cats standing next to a pot of grass
a couple of cats standing next to a pot of grass

Why do cats and dogs eat grass?

It is natural for a pet that goes for walks to eat grass in their natural environment. Cats mainly eat wheatgrass, which they use to cleanse the stomach of fur, feathers, and undigested food - this is the answer to the popular question “why do cats eat grass and then throw up”. Wheatgrass grows in abundance on sidewalks, in parks, and in the backyard of any house

Reasons why cats eat grass

Do cats need grass? Definitely yes. The main reason why a cat eats grass is in order to solve their issues with the digestive tract.

A cat can eat plants with hard leaves in order to clear their stomach of undigested food residues, as they tend to get stuck in the gastrointestinal tract, causing serious complications. The felines also eat grass to clear the digestive tract of the fur that they swallowed in the process of grooming.

There are other reasons why cats like to eat grass:

  1. Nutrients. The grass that the cat eats contains fiber.

  2. Folic acid. Plants that cat love contains folic acid, and vitamin B9. They have a positive effect on the growth of the body, increasing the level of oxygen in the blood.

  3. Stress. A cat can eat grass when they are nervous, or irritated.

  4. Fight against worms. It is believed that under the influence of hard leaves, the intestines work better, which helps to get rid of helminths. This theory is debatable, however, some scientists argue that this is how wild animals got rid of helminths in ancient times.

  5. The taste. Why do cats need grass? Some pets eat plants simply because they like it.

What grass can be offered to cats?

In addition to wheatgrass, parsley, thyme, and rosemary are useful for cats. They can also eat sprouted oats, barley, and wheat.

If you know what type of grass your feline likes and decide you want to grow it, be careful. Don't grow catnip. It is especially contraindicated for excitable and pregnant pets.

a cat sticking its tongue out while standing next to a pot of grass
a cat sticking its tongue out while standing next to a pot of grass

What grass can't cats eat?

Leaves lying along the road will not bring any benefit. The same can be said about plants with pesticides. If the treatment was carried out recently, the cat may get poisoned and even die. Fortunately, cats are picky eaters - they have a very good sense of smell. There is a high probability that they will smell the poison and refuse to eat.

What plants are dangerous for cats?

If a cat lives at home, get rid of these flowers:

  • geraniums;

  • lilies;

  • aloe;

  • amaryllis;

  • dieffenbachia;

  • sago palm;

  • violets;

  • mint;

  • lemon balm;

  • calendula;

  • lily of the valley;

  • chrysanthemums.

After this, before acquiring a new plant for your windowsill or garden, find out if it could harm your pet. Don’t forget to also check the existing flowers on the windowsill when a kitten appears in your home.

What to do if your cat eats houseplants

If the cat likes to nibble indoor plants, you should try to stop them. Make it simple. Place citrus skin in flower pots. Cats do not like their smell and will not approach the source voluntarily. Be sure to offer the cat an alternative. Place grass at home that the cat eats. This will fix the situation, so you do not have to worry about your favorite flowers.

Where to buy grass for cats?

If the cat does not leave the house, this is not a reason to deprive him of greenery. You can buy seeds at pet stores, and veterinary pharmacies. Oats, wheat, catnip, etc. - you can buy a single type of herb or a mixture of different ones, which may include catnip.

How to plant grass for a cat in a flat

To plant environmentally friendly greens useful for a cat, you have to:

  • Buy soil for flowers;

  • Buy a container for planting, even a bowl for soup will do;

  • Buy polyethylene film to create a greenhouse effect.

  • Rinse the seeds, soak them for 1 hour.

  • Fill the container with soil.

  • Spread the seeds evenly.

  • Sprinkle the grains with the soil.

  • Water them.

Stretch a film over the container to create a greenhouse effect, and make the seeds sprout faster. If there is no soil, the grass can be grown directly ... in gauze, like this:

  1. Rinse, and leave the seeds to soak in cool water.

  2. Pour out the water, and put gauze on the bottom of the container.

  3. Sprinkle grains evenly on the fabric.

  4. Cover the seeds with another piece of gauze.

  5. Pour water into a spray bottle and spray them.

  6. Place a film over the container.

After sprouting

Put the bowl in a warm place. When the seeds germinate (2-3 days), do not remove the film. Grass for consumption will ripen in a week. Remove the film, and show the cat the greens.

How much grass should be given to a cat?

When the cat starts eating the leaves, it may vomit. Do not punish your pet for this, it is not on purpose. It is better to buy hygiene products for cats, and place the container away from carpets and upholstered furniture.

When to See a Doctor

If a cat eats grass every day, this is a cause for concern, and you should consult a doctor. This indicates diseases of the digestive system. The stronger the problem, the more the pet may feel the need for a remedy that will cleanse the stomach.

Urgently see a veterinarian if the cat is vomiting blood, has black stools, constipation, or diarrhea. It could be a viral infection or another problem that could result in the animal's death.

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