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Why does my cat follow me everywhere?
Cats BehaviorCat Needs

Why does my cat follow me everywhere?

February 14, 2023

Explanation of cat behavior

If the kitten shows excessive obsession after moving to a new home, then you should pay attention to the following reasons:

Premature weaning. The optimal age for separation from the mother is 2.5-3 months. By this time, the kitten has completely switched to solid food and has acquired basic socialization skills.

Search for protection. Unfamiliar surroundings are very scary, so kittens instinctively look for a safe place. Someone hides under the bed, and someone demonstrates amazing affection for a person.

Recognition of a person as a parent. This attitude usually occurs in very tiny kittens, artificially fed, and those who were taken from the street.

Overview of the topic “Why does my cat follow me everywhere?”

Kittens adapt to new conditions much faster than adult animals. In the absence of accompanying symptoms, good appetite, and playfulness, the situation will normalize by itself in a few days or a couple of weeks, when the pet finally gets used to the new smells.

a black and white cat sitting on a person's lap
a black and white cat sitting on a person's lap

Reasons why cats follow their owners

Instincts and biology


The most common explanation is a desire to eat. In the absence of constant food access, the cat will both remind you of itself and take off and follow you to the kitchen. In this case, the pursuit is typically accompanied by loud meowing and rubbing against the legs.

Hunting instinct

Without access to the street, cats practice on toys or their humans. Felines have a unique fondness for bare feet, so don't be shocked if you're actively followed and cornered.

Bonding and affection


The cat follows the owner out of curiosity. Many pets like to watch the laundry, change of bed linen and cooking. Out of curiosity, they can also enter the bathroom of their owner to play with foam or with a stream of water.


Unlike curiosity, boredom requires correction. It occurs with an acute lack of mental and physical activity. In this case, you should provide your pet with interactive toys that will entertain him during the day. Also, do not forget about joint leisure, that is, games with a teaser fishing rod, balls or a laser pointer.

Desire to play

As in the case of food, the pet himself will show what it needs and even bring its mouse or ball in its teeth. This reason differs from boredom in that the cat knows what to do with itself, but at the moment it wants to play with you.

Security and comfort

Elderly age

In the wild, older animals are most vulnerable to predators. They become more fearful and nervous, and also instinctively seek protection from those they fully trust.

Territorial instinct

Observe your pet's behavior. If the cat persistently rubs not only on your legs, but also on all surrounding objects, then it simply marks its territory with the help of pheromones.

The spiritual meaning behind a cat following its owner

Ancient beliefs and folklore

The spiritual significance of a cat following its owner is supposed to indicate loyalty and protection. Cats are regarded as blessings and good luck symbols in many cultures. Cats were regarded as home defenders in ancient Egypt, and it is thought that a cat entering a home brings good fortune and protection.

Ancient folklore also tells of cats being guardian angels and having the power to ward off evil spirits. In some cultures, it is believed that cats have the ability to see the future and can provide insight and guidance. It is said that a cat following its owner is a sign that the person is being watched over by a spiritual guardian. “Why does my cat follow me everywhere?” Maybe your guardian angel just works very hard.

Modern interpretations

Copying habits

Many pets tend to copy the daily routine of their owners. Routine is essential to the mental health of furry "conservatives," so it's not worth making changes to an established sequence. If your pet wakes up with you on the alarm clock, accompanies you to the bathroom, and shares the morning meal - do not interfere with him and take such behavior for granted.

Desire to comfort the owner

Feline empathy has yet to be established. Despite this, cats can interpret emotions through their owners' facial expressions. When they see that someone is upset, they lie down next to them, softly touch their body with their paws, and slowly blink to show their devotion.

Expression of love

Persistent pursuit of the owner is one way to show affection. If the pet loves you, then it will spend most of its time with you and sincerely enjoy any attention. The cat follows the owner because of the expression of love

Why some cats won't cuddle despite following their owners

Understanding feline body language

Cats are renowned for being independent, resourceful animals, thus despite the fact that they follow their humans around, they might not want to cuddle. Each cat is unique in terms of personality and comfort level with various forms of touch.

Fear or stress factors

Representatives of the cat family rarely favor noisy companies and usually prefer to sit in a corner. Ignoring strangers is normal. Correction is required only in case of frank fear, which can be expressed by walking with the tail behind the owner. If the kitten cuddles up to you, but avoids the caresses of other people, socialize him. Try to call friends to the house more often, avoiding too large companies. The optimal number is 1-2 people per visit.

Common behaviors associated with following owners

Many of these reasons do not require correction. Your help is needed only in the following situations:

Meowing and seeking attention

Because of the excess energy, the kitten may haunt you all day, and after laying down in bed, arrange a nightly concert, expressing its displeasure. In this case, it is necessary to build the correct daily routine and purchase toys that you can play with alone at any time of the day.

Following around the house

Curiosity is not a vice if it does not interfere with others. Persistent jumping on your knees during work and flickering in front of the monitor must be stopped. Do not encourage this behavior in the kitten, so as not to reinforce it in the future.

Playfulness and curiosity

Excessive display of joy when a person returns home. This problem usually occurs in dogs, but can also occur in cats. It occurs with too emotional farewell and greeting. Both increase separation anxiety, so try not to focus on leaving home and then returning. Calmly remove outer clothing, wash your hands, change into home clothes - and only then pet your pet.

a cat is sitting on a wooden chair
a cat is sitting on a wooden chair

Variations of cat following behavior

Differences between male and female cats

Cats can vary in behavior, and their interactions with people may be based on individual personality and preferences. However, in general, cats do not display gender preferences when it comes to affection.

Feelings during pregnancy are usually exacerbated. Are you wondering “Why does my cat follow me everywhere?” If you have always been in a warm relationship with your pet, then during the bearing of offspring, your bond will become even stronger. Your own pregnancy can lead to a similar obsession.

Breed specific traits

If you are rarely at home because of work, get another pet or find a cat nanny for your pet. Having constant company will help minimize anxiety. The most devoted and faithful breeds include sphinxes, rexes, Siamese and Orientals.


Help the animal feel safe by creating new places for it to hide. Make room on the shelves or on the kitchen cabinets, from where your pet will watch what is happening in the house. If there are other animals or small children in the house, make sure it feels comfortable being alone with them. Sometimes the presence of the owner nearby protects the cat from an overly cheerful dog or noisy children and prevents other pets from attacking or threatening it. 

By finding out all the possible explanations to the question “Why does my cat follow me everywhere?” you can help not only yourself, but also your friends. This information will allow you to understand whether you need to worry about the health of the animal and whether it is worth contacting a veterinarian in the near future.

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