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Why Is My Cat Sneezing a Lot?
Cats CareCats Behavior

Why Is My Cat Sneezing a Lot?

There may be days when a healthy cat may occasionally sneeze once or twice and that’ll be it. At other instances, there may be constant sneezing and recurrent episodes. It can be unsettling as a cat parent when your cat keeps on sneezing, but is it truly cause for concern?

Why Do Cats Sneeze?

Cat sneezing a lot is not a major issue. There are instances when they get too enthusiastic and sneeze just from the stimulation. Cats may sneeze due to dust or other allergens, according to PetMD, and this is a helpful way to clear the airways by removing the irritants from the body. A tiny tickling on the nose might trigger a sneeze. However, there are instances when cat sneezing has a medically underlying cause that should be treated properly. 

Possible Causes of Sneezing

Viral Respiratory Infections

Respiratory viruses are often behind persistent sneezing in cats. It is caused by the feline herpes virus, which you can recognize by checking for symptoms that go along with sneezing. The most common symptoms of a herpes infection are watery eyes and nasal discharge. This virus merely goes latent and occasionally resurfaces; it never truly vanishes. A prescription for medication to combat the virus and treat the cat's symptoms will be the first step taken by the vet. A few other viruses can also lead to respiratory illnesses in felines.

Bacterial Infections

Your cat keeps sneezing, even though you are positive they do not have a cold? It might be due to bacterial illnesses. Yellow or green discharge from the nose should raise a flag as it points to a bacterial  infection. Antibiotics are the best course of action to deal with such infections so going to the vet as soon as possible is advised because the sooner the course starts the better the results will be. 

Inflammation and Irritation

In the absence of any infections, if you are wondering why my indoor cat keeps sneezing, the answer is inflammation or irritations. Nasal passages when inflamed can make your cat sneeze a lot. Luckily the treatment is rather straightforward. Anti-inflammatory sprays or medication will get rid of the inflammation and get your cat to stop sneezing. 

Foreign Material

Sometimes, cats might sneeze for the simple reason that a foreign object is lodged in the nose. If it is a small particle of dust or a blade of grass, simply sneezing will remove it. However, at times, a larger object might be lodged in the nose and require intervention. In such a case the vet needs to observe more clearly and create a strategy to remove the object. They will have to send a camera into the nose to get the detailed image. Because this is a potentially painful surgery, an anesthetic will be used during it.  

Dental Disease

A research by Cornell Feline Health Center highlighted that between 50 and 90% of cats older than four years of age suffer from dental diseases which are extremely preventable. When cats get dental diseases or infections, a root of a tooth decays and the barrier between the root and the nose disintegrates. Now when a cat eats food, its particles will get to the nose and irritate the passageway resulting in a sneezing cat. 

Neoplasia (Tumors)

A tumor in the nose is a more serious reason behind a sneezing kitty. When cats begin to get old, they can get these tumors frequently. Blood and nasal discharge is also common with these tumors. A biopsy can give a clearer picture. Once you find out if the cat tumor is cancerous or benign, further treatment can be decided by consulting with the vet. It will be a difficult journey, but you can help your kitty during the process. 

Fungal Infections

A less common reason for sneezing is fungal infection. This is a little difficult to diagnose and requires a mix of treatments where anti-fungal and anti-allergy medications are needed. 

Inhaled Irritants or Allergens

Cats breathe in allergens and irritants, leading to episodes of uncontrollable sneezing. It can get resolved within a few hours without any medicine. There is no need for concern unless the symptoms persist for weeks or months. At that point it is important to take action and seek advice from a veterinarian.

Sneezing and Other Symptoms

Any cat that appears healthy in all other ways but sneezes from time to time is ok. There is no cause for concern. Additional symptoms such as nasal discharge, blood, or a fever, are different. Medical advice would be helpful to rule out serious issues.

When To See a Vet for Your Cat’s Sneezing

A cat sneezing a lot while losing weight and appetite is concerning. Nasal discharge and worsening of symptoms means there is a deeper cause. Regular sneezing should go away in a few days. Schedule a visit with the veterinarian if the symptoms do not go away after a few days. 

How To Treat a Sneezing Cat

A sneezing cat doesn’t require urgent medical attention. They need to be comfortable as long as there are no accompanying symptoms. Use nasal sprays to clear the nose and remove any dust particles lodged in the passageway. The cat may feel uncomfortable at some stage, so take them to the vet when that happens.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do cats get colds?

Cats getting a cold is very common. There’s more, they are very similar to humans in this regard. They are affected by different viruses and bacteria but the basic symptoms are the same.

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