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Can Dogs Eat Cilantro?
Dog Food

Can Dogs Eat Cilantro?

October 29, 2024

Sprinkle some cilantro on any dish and the results are extraordinary. The aroma or this amazing herb can make or break any cuisine. You often add cilantro to your salads and meals. What if your dog manages to grab a bite of the same food? Maybe you have been considering sharing some cilantro with them? Can dogs eat cilantro? They can! Humans and dogs can enjoy this herb.

Is Cilantro Safe for Dogs?

Dogs can safely eat cilantro. There are many ifs and buts as always. It has a strong taste as well, so your pooch may not like it. In that case, just chuck it out. Though if they love the taste, there is no reason to keep it away. The most important aspect is that it is safe for dogs. A little bit of this herb won't cause any damage to the puppy. Moderation is still the essential factor, as usual.

Health Benefits of Cilantro for Dogs

Cilantro benefits extend beyond garnishing human meals. The nutrients found in it greatly enhance your dog's overall health. Packs of vitamins A, C, and K aid in maintaining the health of the dog's eyes, skin, and immune system. Cilantro also contains antioxidants. They promote general health and give dogs a long life. Digestion also improves with the consumption of cilantro. Digestive problems like gas or upset stomach in dogs can be relieved by feeding this herb. Cilantro might possess anti-inflammatory characteristics as well. This might help with mild inflammation in your dog's body

Potential Risks of Feeding Cilantro to Dogs

Cilantro is safe for dogs in general. There are still some risks of feeding them this herb. This is especially true if too much is given or it is not prepared correctly. According to an article by PetMD, It is best to feed your dog between one quarter and one and a half teaspoon of cilantro every day. They strongly advise against exceeding this limit. But you must consult with your veterinarian before doing it, because the amount always depends on your dog’s weight and health conditions.

Allergic Reactions

Any new food has the potential of triggering allergic reactions in pups. Itching, swelling and stomach difficulties are all possible. Just be on the look out. Dogs do not get cilantro allergies that often so there is a good chance that they will be fine.

Overfeeding Concerns

Can excess consumption of cilantro be bad? Cilantro is not poisonous. Yet excessive consumption may cause digestive troubles. Vomiting or diarrhea is to be expected with too much consumption of cilantro. Only use cilantro as a treat or a snack on occasion.

Risk of Pesticide Exposure

Herbs from the supermarket may contain chemicals. The risk of being exposed to pesticides is very real. These could be dangerous for your pet dog. Wash cilantro very well before giving it to your pet. The other option is to look for organic cilantro when possible.

How to Safely Feed Cilantro to Your Dog

When eating cilantro dogs may sometimes overindulge. Don’t let them eat straight from the stem. Prepare it safely: do not forget to keep the portions small. The cilantro should be finely chopped or blended. This will help avoid choking risks. Chopped or blended cilantro will also be easy for digestion. Add cilantro to their usual dog food. Blending it in with homemade meals for added taste is a good idea. Consult with your vet before introducing this new herb. This is very important if they have existing health issues. 

Other Herbs and Vegetables Safe for Dogs

  • Crunchy and refreshing parsley is a great substitute. The added benefit is fresh breath. 

  • Basil is great as it helps take down inflammation. The dog's immune system will also get an immense boost.

  • Full of vitamins and fiber, carrots are a healthy option for dogs.

  • As advertised by VCA Animal Hospitals, green beans with their low calorie count are a great snack. They are rich in fiber and don’t add empty calories.


So the answer to “Can dogs have cilantro?” is affirmative. It is very safe for the dog and can provide some health advantages. The only thing you need to do is keep an eye on the amount they eat. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can dogs eat cilantro? Dogs can safely eat cilantro in moderation. It offers some health benefits but should not be given in excessive amounts.

Is cilantro bad for dogs if they eat too much? There is no toxic component to cilantro. Giving too much can lead to digestive upsets. Always make sure that they only consume it in small amounts.

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