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Can Dogs Eat Ginger?
Dog Food

Can Dogs Eat Ginger?

August 29, 2024

Ginger is a great addition to our delicious food; its distinct aroma and spicy flavor add to the overall taste of food, but that is not the only reason ginger is so popular. With its therapeutic properties, like relieving joint pain and soothing upset stomach, ginger roots are full of benefits. While reaping its various benefits, you must have thought, "Can dogs eat ginger?"

The article answers all your questions - from the benefits of ginger root and things to consider before giving ginger to your dog to different ways to feed ginger and how much ginger dog can have.

Can Dogs Eat Ginger?

Yes, dogs can eat ginger; initially, it should be given in a small amount to ensure your dog does not react negatively to it. Although it does not contain toxic substances, your dog’s age, size, and health condition should be considered when you decide how much ginger they can have. This tropical plant can provide health benefits to your dog. Be careful only to offer fresh or powdered ginger and not pickled ginger.

Is Ginger Good for Dogs?

Just like ginger helps humans with various issues, it can also benefit dogs. Ginger roots have a bioactive compound called gingerol, which has antioxidants that can prevent cell damage. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate upset stomach or joint pain. 

Consuming moderate amounts of ginger (powdered or fresh) also helps ease nausea or motion sickness - just a little amount of ginger and your dog is good to go for that road trip you have been planning. Moreover, ginger roots may help stimulate the circulatory system and decrease bloating. However, it’s always a good idea to consult your veterinarian before giving any new food to your dog. 

Things to Know Before Offering Dogs Ginger

Is ginger bad for dogs? Probably not; however, there are certain things you must consider before introducing ginger to your dog. It may cause serious issues if offered without proper care and in large amounts. Some conditions you must consider before adding ginger to your pet's diet include:

Possible Allergies

Some dogs can have allergic reactions to ginger, particularly when in touch with skin. So look out for rashes or severe itching as they could point to an allergic reaction. 

Digestive Upset

Dogs can have stomach upset when food is not given in moderation; large quantities of ginger can cause digestive upset. So, to avoid that, offer your dog the amount recommended by your veterinarian. 

Ginger and Dogs With Special Health Conditions

If your dog has a health condition like liver or kidney disease, you should be careful when offering ginger and consult your veterinarian. They may suggest you avoid giving ginger in this situation. Also, if the dog is on medication, no ginger because it can act as a natural blood thinner. 

How Should I Feed Ginger to My Dog?

If you want to introduce ginger to your pup, start with only a tiny amount and observe for adverse reactions. A bit of grated raw ginger or ginger powder is safe for dog consumption. According to an article by PetMD, you can add these tropical roots to your dog’s treats, such as unsweetened applesauce, pumpkin, or sweet potato.

Like any other human food, you should give ginger to your dog in moderation. According to an article by the American Kennel Club, ginger should not be served more than one-sixteenth of a teaspoon per pound of body weight. The appropriate amounts of ginger for dogs to safely consume are approximately one-quarter teaspoon for small dogs, about half a teaspoon for medium dogs, and three-quarter teaspoon for large dogs. 


While ginger has numerous health benefits for dogs, anything in excess can cause harm. Also, ginger can reduce blood pressure and blood sugar, so it is best to consult your veterinarian if your dog has heart disease or diabetes before introducing ginger to your dog.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can dogs have gingerbread?

No, gingerbread is unsafe for dogs because it contains ingredients that may pose a threat, specifically nutmeg. It is poisonous for dogs and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and seizures in extreme cases.

Can dogs have ginger biscuits?

Ginger biscuits may not be toxic to dogs, but to be on the safe side, avoid offering them to your dog because of their high sugar content and because they may contain harmful ingredients, such as macadamia nuts.

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