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Can Dogs Eat Mango?
Dog Care

Can Dogs Eat Mango?

September 14, 2023

Humans have relished the taste of mango for centuries, and why not? The exotic fruit is one with a vibrant flavor and an alluring texture that makes it a popular snacking choice. But, what about our four-legged companions? Can dogs eat mango? Or should this delicious fruit be kept far away from their plates? Most importantly, are mangoes good for dogs?

In this article, we will explore how safe mangoes are for dogs, the importance of feeding mangoes to dogs in correct portion sizes, and potential dangers of overindulgence. Also, we will uncover different benefits of sharing the delicious tropical fruit, mango, with dogs.

Is Mango Safe for Dogs?

If you are a dog parent, the safety of your furry friend is most probably your top priority. Fortunately, the answer to the question above is yes; indeed, mango is safe for dogs. The natural sweetness of mango is one that can serve as a refreshing change from their typical diet. However, there are certain factors that you must consider before adding mango to your dog’s menu.

How Much Mango Can a Dog Eat?

Now that we have established that the answer to the question “Can my dog eat mango?” is yes, it is necessary to take note of the amount of mango your dog can reasonably ingest. Mango is a fruit that contains high levels of sugar. In fact, according to WebMD, it contains approximately 45 grams of sugar, a figure that is relatively higher in comparison to other fruits. Therefore, mango should only be served in limited quantities, a small slice here and a few cubes there, and it should not replace your dog’s regular diet. Also, you should consult with your veterinarian before introducing new food items to your dog, especially if your dog has an underlying health issue.

a couple of dogs running down a dirt road
a couple of dogs running down a dirt road

Risks of Overfeeding

While we all agree now that mango is a delicious fruit that dogs can snack on, it is important to note that overfeeding can lead to risks that you must be aware of, and avoid where necessary, if you intend to feed mango to your dog.


As highlighted in the previous section, mango has high levels of sugar and the excessive intake of mango can increase the blood sugar level of your dog. Now, this has some grave health consequences including weight gain, development of diabetes, and dental problems. Therefore, in order to keep the sugar consumption of your dog in check, it is necessary that you track and limit the amount of mango that you feed it. 

Allergies And Digestive Issues

As it is in humans, dogs can also be allergic or sensitive to certain foods, including mango. In fact, allergies in dogs remain the commonest reason for veterinary appointment. Thus, if you discover any sign of digestive distress in your dog—including diarrhea, vomiting—after feeding on mango, you should refrain from feeding it to your dog in the future. It is worth reiterating that you must consult with your dog’s veterinarian before introducing any food to it.

Choking Hazard

Mango is a fruit that has a tough fleshy skin and one seed—otherwise known as the mango pit. While the fleshy skin might be consumable, it can cause digestive problems for your dog. Also, the mango pit is a big seed that can easily obstruct the airway of your dog if swallowed. Also note that the mango pit contains a low amount of cyanide which might have dangerous effects on your dog. Thus, it is important that you peel the skin and remove the seed of the mango before serving it. And even after doing this, you should still dice the mango into small cubes to allow for easy consumption of the delicious fruit.

Is Mango Good for Dogs? | Top 3 Benefits

If you still have doubts about the question, “Can dogs have mangoes?” knowing the benefits of sharing mango with your furry pets might allay those concerns.

  1. Vitamins and nutrients: despite the elevated level of sugar present in mango, it still is a rich source of important nutrients and vitamins such as beta-carotene and potassium as well as vitamins A, C, and E. These nutrients and vitamins help strengthen the immune system of your dog, hasten wound healing, and boost overall growth.

  2. Hydration: mango contains high water content that might help to keep your dog hydrated especially when it’s hot. This is a way to keep your dog’s taste buds sweetened and simultaneously protect your dog against dehydration. Proper hydration in dogs is necessary for the maintenance of normal body temperature, removal of waste material from the body, and digestion of food.

  3. Dietary fiber: mango contains dietary fiber and its consumption helps in the regulation of bowel movement and easier digestion of food material. When consumed in moderation, mango can help support the digestive health of your dog.


In summary, mango can be a delicious, safe treat for your dog if consumed in moderation. Asides it’s flavorful taste, it is also a source of vitamins and essential nutrients for your dog. However, it is important that you remain mindful of the high sugar content of the fruit and potential allergic reaction that might occur as a result of its consumption. Nevertheless, make sure you consult the medical advice of your dog’s veterinarian before introducing mango to its menu. Remember, your dog's health and well-being should remain top priority.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can dogs eat mango?

Yes, dogs can eat mango. However, it must be consumed in moderation to protect your dog from the effects of overindulgence such as digestive distress, vomiting or/and diarrhea.

Can dogs eat dried mango?

Yes, dogs can eat dried mango. However, since dried mango contains high concentration of sugar, it should be fed to dogs in small quantities.

Are mangoes good for dogs?

Yes, mangoes are good for dogs. Mango is a rich source of vitamin and essential nutrients as long as it is taken in moderate quantities.

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