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Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?
Dog Behavior

Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?

November 15, 2024

Why do dogs eat poop? It is a behavior known as coprophagia. It is more common than you may think, and there are a lot of reasons why dogs eat poop. Some dogs do it because they need food. Some may do it because it was what they learned from their mom or other dogs. However, some dogs eat poop to get their owner's attention. Let's discuss why dogs do this and how to stop it.

Reasons Why Dogs Eat Poop

Nutritional Deficiencies

Why do dogs eat poop? Sometimes dogs eat poop because they're not getting enough nutrients—vitamins or minerals. This may make them want to eat strange things. A study on dog behavior found that certain deficiencies in nutrients may make dogs more likely to eat poop.

Instinctual Behavior from Ancestry

Dogs may eat poop because they inherited this instinctual behavior from their wild ancestry. Mothers often eat puppies' poop to keep their living environment clean. So, dogs that have not outgrown this instinct will keep the behavior.

Seeking Attention from Owners

Dogs also want to get their owner's attention. Through conditional learning, they may associate eating poop with your reaction even when the reaction is negative. It is their nature to get your attention, making them want to do it again.

Stress, Anxiety, and Boredom

When dogs feel anxious, bored, or stressed, they may eat poop as a way to pass the time. These feelings can make them do strange things. Agitation and boredom make dogs develop behavior problems like this.

Hunger and Poor Diet

If a dog eats poop, it may mean they're hungry. When they don't get enough food or don't like their food at all, they may turn to poop-eating. Low-quality dog foods may not have sufficient nutrients, which makes them hungrier. 

Medical Causes to Consider

A dog eating poop may also be a sign of a health problem. They may be unable to absorb nutrients from their diet, a condition called malabsorption. Parasites can also make them eat poop. If your dog starts eating poop, don’t delay getting them to the vet.

Imitating Other Dogs

Since dogs are social animals, they often imitate other dogs’ behavior. If one dog in the house eats poop, the other one may copy the same behavior as a form of habit.

Health Risks of Poop Eating

Risks of Parasites and Bacteria

Dogs can get sick by eating poop since it may contain harmful bacteria and parasites. Common parasites include giardia and roundworms.

Potential Digestive Upsets

Eating poop may also cause stomach upset, diarrhea and vomiting. If your dog ate poop and seems unwell, make an appointment with your vet to prevent worse things from happening, such as dehydration.

Increased Risk of Infection

Eating poop puts your dog at a higher risk of getting infections. Feces have many harmful germs that may cause serious illnesses. Some of these illnesses may also spread to other pets or people in the house.

How to Stop Your Dog from Eating Poop

Nutritional Adjustments

Consider changing their food to stop your dog from eating poop. You may also ask your vet for recommendations. You should feed them more often or give them better quality food. Some vets recommend adding enzymes to their diet to digest their food better.

Reducing Stress and Anxiety

You should also try to lessen your dog's anxiety and stress or perhaps make them feel safer. Spend more time with them. Give them a quiet and clean area to rest.


Improving Enrichment and Exercise

Your dog may need a lot of exercise and things to do so they don't get bored and eat poop. Take your dog for more walks and have fun games or activities with them. Give them toys that stimulate their ability to think, like puzzle feeders. Not toys they'd get busy chewing on—otherwise, they may develop another destructive behavior, like chewing on your shoes or slippers.

Training Techniques and Commands

Spend time training your dog not to eat poop. A simple command, like "leave it," can do better things than scolding them. If they go near poops, command them and give them a treat if they follow you. Then, clean up the poop in your yard right away.

Medical Interventions and Supplements

Some dogs may need to see the vet to stop them from eating poop. There are supplements especially formulated that will make poop taste bad. Some vets may prescribe medicines if the problem is severe.

There are no magical methods or “how to stop dog from eating poop” home remedies, as you always need to understand your dog’s behavior first and then resolve it very gently. However, it is always wise to talk to your vet first to know what you do is safe for your dog. There are many things that can help you resolve the poop-eating problem.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do puppies eat their poop?

Puppies may start eating poop because they are copying their mom, or they are just plain curious. However, most puppies will outgrow this behavior as they get older.

What happens when your dog eats poop?

Dogs may get sick when they eat poop. They can get parasites and develop symptoms of stomach upset, like diarrhea. It would be wise to stop this habit to keep your dog healthy and disease-free.

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