Cat Behavior

How to Survive Cat World Domination Day
Cat PsychologyCat Behavior
How to Survive Cat World Domination Day

Cat World Domination Day is when cats are most likely to grab their chance to live as they did in their golden age. The proof is around you, with social media filled with cat memes and videos (as if cats didn’t already own the Internet!). So, how can you make sure you survive this auspicious day?

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Cats Cuddling: Celebrating International Hug Your Cat Day
Cat PsychologyCat Behavior
Cats Cuddling: Celebrating International Hug Your Cat Day

Learn whether cats like to be hugged and other ways you can celebrate International Hug Your Cat Day with your furry friend!

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Are Christmas Trees Dangerous for Dogs or Cats?
Cat BehaviorCat FactsCat Health
Are Christmas Trees Dangerous for Dogs or Cats?

Are Christmas Trees poisonous to your pet? Learn the best ways to protect your companions this Christmas season as we explore the dangers and how to keep them safe!

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