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How Many Cats are in the World?
Cat Facts

How Many Cats are in the World?

Cats have accompanied humans since ancient times. Even now, cats remain one of the most popular pets among families. As this is one of the most beloved household pets, you must be wondering how many cats there are worldwide. Read on to find out!

Cat Populations Around the World

There are countless pet, free-roaming and stray cats. Itā€™s easy to imagine that their numbers reach well into the millions. But just how many are there worldwide?

Current estimates suggest there are over 220 million pet cats globally. The number of stray, feral and community cats is harder to pin down. Itā€™s believed to be at least 480 million. That puts the total number of cats between 600 million and 1 billion, according to the Ecology Global Network.

To put things in perspective, letā€™s compare them with dogs. The global dog population is estimated to be around 900 million to 1.2 billion.

a small kitten sitting on top of a couch
a small kitten sitting on top of a couch

Pet vs. Stray vs. Feral Cats

Pet cats are the lucky ones. They have loving homes, regular meals, and cozy spots to nap. These cats are estimated at over 220 million worldwide. They rely on humans for food, shelter and medical care.Ā 

Stray cats are domestic cats that have been lost, abandoned, or born outside without a consistent home. Some strays remain friendly and might seek food from people. Others grow more independent. There are at least 480 million stray cats worldwide. This number fluctuates due to rescues, sterilization efforts and natural survival rates.

Wild or feral cats are a different story. These cats live completely independent of humans. They hunt for their food and form colonies in forests, deserts and urban areas. Their population is tough to estimate. Some experts believe that hundreds of millions of feral cats exist globally. Feral cats rarely trust humans and prefer to keep their distance.

Population by Continent

The global cat population isnā€™t spread evenly. It varies dramatically by region. Some continents have higher cat populations. This is influenced by factors like human density, climate and cultural attitudes.Ā 

  • Asia has 400 million+ cats. It is home to the highest number of both pet and stray cats. China and Japan have millions of pet cats. Turkey is famous for its large stray cat population, estimated at 500,000 to 1 million street cats.

  • Europe has more than 120 million felines. Pet cats are common in France, Germany and the UK. There are also well-managed stray cat colonies in many European countries.

  • North America has 110 million+ cats. The US alone accounts for over 90 million pet cats. Canada also has a significant number of house cats and strays.

  • South America has 75 million+ cats, especially in urban areas.

  • Africa is home to 60 million+ cats. Many are street or feral cats. Egypt is known for its historical connection to cats. It still has a strong feline presence.

  • Australia & Oceania have 25 million+ cats. Australia has a strict feral cat control program to protect native wildlife.

Most Cat-Populated Countries

Do you think your country is among the list of countries with high cat populations? If you want to find out if your country made it to the list, here are the top 5 most cat-populated places in the world from data recorded by World Atlas' pet cat ownership findings:

Top One United States

Ranked number one, the United States is estimated to have at least 76.5 million pet cats. Of course, this doesn't account for their number of strays, which is said to be over 41 million. This brings their cat population to over 117 million cats, making the US the most cat-populated place globally.

Top Two China

China gets second place in this list, with over 53 million owned cats in total. Meanwhile, they are said to have more than 52 million strays, bringing their total estimated cat population to around 105 million.

Top Three Russia

Russia ranks third in this list, with a whopping pet cat population of 22.75 million. However, it's unclear how many stray cats are there in total.

Top Four Brazil

Brazil comes in fourth, which is said to have around 12.5 million pet cats in total. Like Russia, Brazil has no known data on its number of street cats.

Top Five France

France is fifth on the list of most cat-populated countries. The country is said to have 9.5 million pet cats in total.

Reasons for Cats' Popularity as Pets

Many families favor cats as family pets for a wide variety of reasons. If you're not a cat owner yourself and are curious to know why people absolutely adore cats, here are some reasons why these creatures are favored:

A Look Back: How Cats Became Popular Pets

It all started around 10,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent. This is where the first agricultural societies began storing grain. These food supplies attracted rodents and thus, wild cats. People eventually realized that having cats around was beneficial. They kept the pest population under control. Cats and humans formed a mutually beneficial relationship. This led to their domestication. PetMD suggests that today's cats are very similar to their wild ancestors.Ā 

Fast-forward to Ancient Egypt, where cats were worshipped. Egyptians considered them sacred. They often depicted kitties in art and mummified them alongside their owners. Killing a cat was a crime. Some felines were even adorned with jewelry to signify their importance.

However, the Middle Ages werenā€™t as kind to cats. In Europe, they became associated with witchcraft and bad luck. This led to their widespread persecution and many were killed. This allowed the rat population (and diseases like the Black Plague) to spread more easily.

Fortunately, cats made a comeback during the 18th and 19th centuries. They regained favor as cherished pets.

Excellent low-maintenance pets

Unlike dogs, which are also popular household pets, cats require less maintenance. After all, cats are known for their independence and do not need to be formally trained. They can also care for themselves and do not need to be groomed as much as dogs.

Are good at keeping homes pest-free

Cats are known for their natural predatory instincts. Therefore, if rats or mice ever enter your home, you can expect your feline friend to get rid of these pests for you.

Are generally quieter

If you live in an apartment complex or condominium and own a dog, you might be worried that your dog's barks might disturb other tenants in the building. Luckily, a cat's meows aren't as audible, making them generally quieter pets to own.

The Global Issue of Cat Overpopulation

With an estimated 600 million to 1 billion cats worldwide, overpopulation is a growing concern. This is especially true for stray and feral cats. Without intervention, their numbers continue to rise. This means overcrowded shelters, competition for resources and risks to local wildlife.

One of the most effective ways to manage feral cat populations is Trap-Neuter-Return programs. Stray and feral cats are humanely trapped, spayed or neutered and vaccinated. They are then returned to their original location. This prevents uncontrolled breeding while allowing the cats to live out their natural lives. TNR helps reduce overpopulation over time. It also improves the health of feral cat colonies by reducing the spread of diseases.

Natural events like droughts, harsh winters and food shortages also impact stray and feral cat survival rates. Droughts reduce rodent populations, making it harder for wild and stray cats to find food. Extreme weather conditions can also lead to higher kitten mortality rates. While nature plays a role in regulating cat populations, human intervention remains crucial.Ā 

Endangered & Extinct Wild Cat Species

While domestic cats thrive, many wild cat species face a grim reality. Over time, habitat destruction, poaching, and human expansion have driven some wild cats to extinction and pushed others to the brink.

Extinct Wild Cat Species

Sadly, some wild cats are already lost forever:

  • Bali Tiger (Panthera tigris balica) was once native to Indonesia. They were declared extinct in the 1950s. The reason was hunting and habitat destruction.

  • Javan Tiger (Panthera tigris sondaica) is another Indonesian tiger. They were last seen in the 1970s. They were wiped out by deforestation and human encroachment.

  • Barbary Lion (Panthera leo leo) was a majestic lion that roamed North Africa. They were driven to extinction by the 1960s due to hunting.

Endangered Wild Cat Species

Many other big cats are fighting for survival:

  • Amur Leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis). Sadly, only about 120 of these cats are left in the wild. One of the rarest leopards, they are threatened by habitat loss and poaching.

  • Sumatran Tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae). Only 400 of these Indonesian cats remain. This is because of deforestation and illegal hunting.

Threats to Wild Cats

Wild cat populations are declining due to:

  • Deforestation. Habitats are destroyed by large-scale logging and agriculture.

  • Poaching. Many big cats are hunted. Their fur, bones and body parts are used in traditional medicine.

  • Habitat Loss. Expanding human settlements push wild cats into smaller, fragmented territories. It makes their survival harder.


With over 600 million cats worldwide, it's no surprise that people are enamored with these lovable creatures. Besides being excellent companions, they're low-maintenance, keep pests at bay, and are generally quieter than dogs. So, if you haven't adopted a pet and think that a pet cat is perfect for you, this is a sign that you should definitely adopt one!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there more cats than humans in the world? No. With 8 billion humans, the kitties lag in numbers. There are about 600 million to 1 billion cats.Ā 

Are there more dogs or cats in the world? Globally, there are more dogs. They are estimated around 900 million to 1 billion. Pet cats outnumber pet dogs in some countries. This is because felines are low maintenance.

Are there more stray cats or dogs in the world? Why? There are more stray cats, no doubt about it. Cats reproduce faster and can survive without direct human care. Dogs are dependent on people for food and shelter.Ā 

Are there too many cats and dogs? Overpopulation is a major problem. There are too many stray and feral animals. Unchecked breeding leads to overcrowded shelters. There is also an increase in euthanasia rates.

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