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Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?
Dog Food

Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?

September 22, 2023

Do you like Hawaiian pizza and pineapple in general? Can you share it with your pet? Can a dog eat pineapple? Pineapples, with their tropical appeal and sweet, tangy flavor, are a favorite for many households. This guide will help you with the ins and outs of feeding this fruity delight to your pup, including safety tips, preparation methods, and potential concerns.

Can My Dog Eat Pineapple? What to Know

There is every reason they can and even should sometimes. Any pooch will love a serving of pineapples. It’s a tasty and juicy fruit packed with nutrients. Cool pineapple is divine on a hot summer day. The VCA Animal Hospitals recommends pineapple as a good option to support dog health. Many dogs love its sweet and tangy flavor. This makes pineapple the ultimate treat for both humans and our best friends. 

So what is in a pineapple that makes it so healthy? Some of the power boosters are listed below.

  • Vitamin C – Boosts the immune system.

  • Vitamin B6 – Supports brain function and metabolism.

  • Manganese – Helps with bone health and energy.

  • Fiber – Great for digestion and keeps the gut healthy.

  • Antioxidants – Gets rid of inflammation; supports overall well-being.

  • Water – Keeps your dog hydrated.

PetMD has a complete and extensive list of the nutrients found in pineapples. But there are a few things to keep in mind. Pineapple is high in sugar. This can contribute to weight gain. It may also upset your dog’s stomach. Diarrhea or vomiting may occur after binge eating. Always serve it in small amounts. An occasional treat is the best way to go.

a plate of sliced pineapples on a table
a plate of sliced pineapples on a table

Can Dogs Eat Pink Pineapple?

Recently, pink pineapples have gained popularity due to their vibrant hue and sweeter taste. These pineapples are genetically modified to contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant responsible for the fruit's pink color. The good news is that these pink pineapples are safe for dogs to eat, just like regular pineapples. It's still essential to keep an eye on how much your dog consumes as they are also high in sugar.

Can Dogs Eat Dried Pineapple?

Yes, dogs can eat dried pineapple as a tasty and healthy snack. It's essential to check the ingredients and ensure that no artificial sweeteners or additives have been added. These can be harmful to your dog's health.

Can Dogs Eat Canned Pineapple?

Say no to canned pineapples. Many brands pack it in syrups. So an already sweet fruit is now loaded with sugar. Even worse, some cans are loaded with artificial sweeteners. Xylitol is one of these toxic ingredients. It can be fatal for dogs, if consumed. 

Bottom line: never give canned pineapple with added sugars or sweeteners. If you absolutely have to share canned pineapples with your pet, choose one packed in 100% natural juice. These have no additives. Even then, rinse it well. This will wash away excess sugar. 

When you have the choice, go fresh. Even frozen pineapple is okay.

Is Pineapple Bad for Dogs?

Not at all. These are delicious fruits with many vitamins. Yet, pineapples may not be for every pup. The high sugar content may be troublesome. Weight gain, obesity and even diabetes can develop over time. Sugar can also contribute to dental issues. So if you want your pup to avoid cavities and gum disease, go easy on the pineapple.

Even in the short term, never feed too much at once. There can be health issues like:

  • Diarrhea

  • Vomiting

  • Bloating

  • Lethargy

When any of this happens, keep the pooch on a light diet. Wait for them to get better. After a few days, give a piece of pineapple. A few pieces occasionally are all they need anyway.  

Are there parts of the pineapple my dog should not eat?

Yes, there are parts of the pineapple that should be removed before feeding it to your dog. These include the tough outer skin and core. They can be difficult for dogs to digest and may cause digestive issues. It's best to stick to feeding your dog small chunks of the juicy flesh.

How Much Pineapple Can Dogs Have?

Pineapple should be an occasional treat. It should be no more than 10% of your dog’s daily calories. The right amount depends on several factors. These are size, age and activity level. Too much can cause tummy troubles. Always start with a small portion. See how your dog reacts. This does not mean you can start giving them loads on a daily basis if they react well. Keep the portions moderate and alternate with some other fruity options. 

Here’s a quick guide to safe portion sizes:

Dog Size

Safe Pineapple Portion

Extra Small (under 10 lbs)

1–2 small chunks (1 tsp)

Small (10–25 lbs)

2–3 small chunks (1–2 tbsp)

Medium (25–50 lbs)

3–5 small chunks (2–3 tbsp)

Large (50–90 lbs)

5–8 small chunks (¼ cup)

Extra Large (90+ lbs)

Up to ½ cup

Debunking the Pineapple Poop Myth

We have all heard it. Adding pineapple to a pup’s diet will stop them from eating poop. Sounds great. Not true. There’s zero scientific evidence that pineapple changes the taste of poop enough to make it unappetizing. (Yes, we know. The fact that some dogs enjoy poop is a whole other issue.)

Dogs eat poop. It is a common behavior called coprophagia. There are many reasons for this. Boredom, hunger or even curiosity can be the cause. Don't rely on pineapple as a quick fix. There are other solutions. 

Pick it up – The less access they have, the less temptation. Improve their diet – Some dogs eat poop due to missing nutrients. A well-balanced diet helps. Keep them busy – More toys, exercise, and mental stimulation can curb the habit. Use deterrents – Some pet-safe sprays make poop taste worse (yes, apparently it can get worse). Train with “leave it” – Teaching a solid “leave it” command works wonders.

Pineapple may be tasty, but it won’t fix your dog’s poop obsession. A little training and some cleanup? Now that’s a strategy that actually works! 

How to Prepare Pineapple for Your Dog

When preparing pineapple for your dog, it's essential to follow these steps:

  • Remove the tough outer skin and core, as mentioned earlier.

  • Cut the flesh into small, bite-sized pieces.

  • Freeze some chunks for a refreshing summer treat on hot days.

  • Avoid adding any sweeteners or additives when making frozen treats for your dog.

Other Serving Tips

Want to make pineapple even more exciting? Try these fun ways to serve it:

  1. Pineapple blended with bananas and blueberries is heavenly. This makes an excellent dog-friendly smoothie. Serve in a bowl. You can also freeze into ice cube trays. The pooch will love the chilled treat.

  2. Mix mashed pineapple with plain yogurt. Simply freeze it in silicone molds. Offer your dog a creamy, cooling bite. They’ll definitely come back for more. But remember the rule. Only give them pineapples in moderation. 

  3. Stuff small pineapple chunks inside a toy. You can also add peanut butter. Plain Greek yogurt is also a good option. The pup will love chewing on this flavorful treat.

  4. Sprinkle chopped pineapple over their regular meal. This will add extra flavor and nutrition. This is a great solution for dogs who are picky eaters. The yummy taste of pineapple will lure them to the food bowl.  


Can dogs eat pineapple? Dogs can indeed eat pineapple in moderation as a tasty and healthy treat. It's essential to remove the tough outer skin and core before feeding it to your pup and to monitor the amount consumed to prevent any potential health concerns. With proper preparation and moderation, your pup can safely enjoy the tropical delights of this delicious fruit.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much pineapple can I give my dog?

Offer dogs pineapple in moderation, typically around 10% of their daily calorie intake. Consult your vet to determine the right amount based on your dog's individual factors.

What happens if my dog accidentally eats pineapple?

If your dog accidentally eats pineapple, keep an eye on them for any potential digestive discomfort. If you notice any concerning changes in their behavior or health, consult your veterinarian for advice.

What fruit can't dogs eat?

Some fruits that are toxic to dogs include grapes, raisins, and avocados. It's best to research and consult with your veterinarian before feeding your dog any new fruits or foods.

Can my dog eat cooked pineapple?

Cooked pineapple should be safe for dogs to eat, as long as it does not contain any harmful additives or ingredients.

Are pineapples good for dogs?

Pineapples can be a healthy treat for dogs in moderation. They are packed with vitamins and minerals essential for a dog's overall health.

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