Dog Insider

Celebrating the Charm, Unique Personalities, and Unconditional Love of Our Furry Companions

Effective Puppy Potty Training Schedule
Dog TrainingDog Behavior
Effective Puppy Potty Training Schedule

Puppies are super cute and loads of fun so getting one can be awesome. However if you are unsure how to properly train them, this affectionate relationship can deteriorate rapidly. Go through this article to discover the suitable ways to potty train your dog and prevent accidents indoors.

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Can Dogs Eat Cranberries?
Dog Food
Can Dogs Eat Cranberries?

Are cranberries bad for dogs? Although humans benefit a lot from eating cranberries, we show you whether your dog can benefit from them in this article.

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How to Teach Your Dog to Stay
Dog Training
How to Teach Your Dog to Stay

Teaching your dog to “stay” helps immensely, especially when the doorbell rings and you don’t want your dog running off to the street. This article covers all the steps you need to follow to successfully teach your dog to stay in one position.

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