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Basepaws Cats

Basepaws Cat Story: Please Meet OliveJune
Basepaws Cats
Basepaws Cat Story: Please Meet OliveJune

About nine months ago, Basepaws cat OliveJune, a (then) five-week-old rescue kitty from the ASPCA, was discovered and adopted by her hooman guardian Linda.

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Basepaws Cat Story: Loki Is A Fearless Snuggler
Basepaws Cats
Basepaws Cat Story: Loki Is A Fearless Snuggler

Today, dear cat guardians, we met Basepaws cat Loki, a self-proclaimed boss of his home and a professional face snuggler.

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Basepaws Cat Story: Tom Petty The Cat - Mama's Wild Child
Basepaws Cats
Basepaws Cat Story: Tom Petty The Cat - Mama's Wild Child

Dear furriends and pet hoomans, please meet Stacey and her fur-baby Basepaws cat Tom Petty. This is their Basepaws Cat Story.

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