Cat Care

Achoo! Do You Have an Allergic Cat?
Cat CareCat Diseases
Achoo! Do You Have an Allergic Cat?

The immune system of an allergic cat is overly sensitive to some foreign, harmless molekules and mistakes for dangerous substances.

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Cat Sitting Tips for the Pet Sitter
Cat Care
Cat Sitting Tips for the Pet Sitter

Cat sitting can be a fun, rewarding and an easy way to earn a little extra money. Here are some cat sitting tips from our friends from Canine Journal.

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How To Train A Cat
Cat BehaviorCat Care
How To Train A Cat

Cats are intelligent animals, and many cats can be trained to do specific tasks and/or perform tricks with loving and patient support of their individual needs. Aspects of training can also enhance your cat's emotional and mental well-being by helping them with socialization, alleviating stress and anxiety, and providing opportunities for them to feel more safe. Learn more about how to train your cat with this guide full of tips and resources.

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