Cat Genetics

Basepaws Developed a PCR-based COVID-19 Test For Cats
Basepaws NewsCat Genetics
Basepaws Developed a PCR-based COVID-19 Test For Cats

As of November 2020, the coronavirus pandemic is here to stay. The SARS-CoV-2 virus has had a devastating impact on public health and the economy. Recent months have also brought the news that pets too can get infected with the virus.

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How Were Cat Breeds Created?
Cat BreedsCat Genetics
How Were Cat Breeds Created?
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Top 10 Rarest Coat Colors and Patterns in Cats
Cat Genetics
Top 10 Rarest Coat Colors and Patterns in Cats

Black, white, brown, orange, or a bit of everything? Cats come in so many different colors and patterns that it’s simply too difficult to choose a favorite. The captivating colors of your special little kitty are written in its DNA, and some variations seem to be particularly beautiful and rare. Here are the top 10 rarest coat colors and patterns in cats. Do you have a favorite?

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