Cat Behavior

Top 10 Most Affectionate Cat Companions
Cat BehaviorCat Facts
Top 10 Most Affectionate Cat Companions

Though every cat is an individual with their own quirks and personalities, some cat breeds are thought to be more affectionate and social than others. With that in mind, here's our list of the top 10 most affectionate cat companions of all time!

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How Do Cats Hunt?
Cat Behavior
How Do Cats Hunt?

How do cats hunt? Domestic cats use the same chasing and killing techniques as do their wild ancestors. Read up about your cat's hunting strategies!

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Caring For Senior Cats
Cat BehaviorCat Health
Caring For Senior Cats

Hand in paw, through thick and thin, your cat and you have been standing together through it all. Here is what you need to know about your senior cats.

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