
We build bonds around the care of a pet. We connect parents, pets, and vets in a collaborative process.

Your Questions About Dog Breed Genetics Answered
Basepaws Research
Your Questions About Dog Breed Genetics Answered

When it comes to understanding our dogs, one of the most fascinating aspects is their genetic makeup. What breeds make up your pup, and how do they influence its appearance, behavior, and health? Dog breed genetics provides some answers.

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Best Small Dog Breeds: A Comprehensive Top 10 List (And More)
Dog Care
Best Small Dog Breeds: A Comprehensive Top 10 List (And More)

Explore the best small dog breeds that fit your lifestyle and needs. Learn about the different characteristics of small breeds and how to care for each. Start your research here.

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Do Cats Have Knees?
Cat HealthCat Fun Facts
Do Cats Have Knees?

Do cats have knees? Although it can be confusing to differentiate between the ankle of a cat and the knee, yes, cats have knees, and it is called the stifle. Interestingly, just like humans, cats have a protective covering over their knees called the patella, also known as the kneecap.

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