
We build bonds around the care of a pet. We connect parents, pets, and vets in a collaborative process.

Do Cats Have Periods? What To Expect During A Female Cat’s Cycle
Cat BehaviorCat CareCat Health
Do Cats Have Periods? What To Expect During A Female Cat’s Cycle

We all know that human females have menstrual cycles, which occurs when the uterus sheds its lining once every 28 days or so. But what about your cat? Do cats have periods? Is there such a thing as cat menstruation? Cats are among the group of mammals that go through estrus, a process also known as "in heat." Learn more about estrus, its signs, and how to support a cat in heat.

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When Do Cats Stop Growing?
Cat CareCat Health
When Do Cats Stop Growing?

How can you tell if your cat is fully grown? Learn about cat life stages and developmental milestones that can help you find out whether or not your cat has grown to full maturity. Know when to make important decisions that will help you best support their health and well-being, such as whether your cat is ready for adult cat food or at what age they should be spayed or neutered.

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Saving Sami: An Oral Health Story That's Worth Smiling About
Basepaws CatsBasepaws Oral Health ReportDental Health
Saving Sami: An Oral Health Story That's Worth Smiling About

Meet Sami. This loving and adorable fellow is one of four cats that Basepaws community member, Giuliano Argenti, rescued and welcomed into his family. At the wise age of 19, Sami is living a healthy and full life—yet this wasn’t always the case. Learn about how the Basepaws Oral Health Test helped Guiliano and his veterinarian save Sami’s pearly whites, and ultimately, his life. It’s a story with a happy ending that gives us all something to smile about!

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