
We build bonds around the care of a pet. We connect parents, pets, and vets in a collaborative process.

The Turkish Angora - Silky and Serene
Cat Breeds
The Turkish Angora - Silky and Serene

With a coat that glistens and begs to be caressed, this big personality cat breed can charm even the most dedicated "dog people". The Turkish Angora is a stunning and outgoing breed that is sure to not only add beauty, but excitement to all they grace with their presence

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Basepaws Cat Story: The Tale of Joey & Tom
Basepaws Cats
Basepaws Cat Story: The Tale of Joey & Tom

Basepaws cat Joey was adopted by experienced cat dad Tom Puckett during the COVID-19 out break out on March 3, 2020. This is their Basepaws cat story!

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