
We build bonds around the care of a pet. We connect parents, pets, and vets in a collaborative process.

Body Type Mutations In Cats
Cat GeneticsCat Breeds
Body Type Mutations In Cats

Genetic mutations are permanent alterations of genes, and some can result in differences in physical appearance. Here are some body-type mutations in cats.

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The Chimera Cat – Its Own Non-Identical Twin
Cat Genetics
The Chimera Cat – Its Own Non-Identical Twin

A chimera cat, as we know it here at Basepaws, is a gorgeous and breathtaking genetic anomaly who actually carries two distinct genotypes in their cells.

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Our 15 Favorite Facts About Kittens
Cat Facts
Our 15 Favorite Facts About Kittens

Kittens are adorable and lovable, and they sneak their way into our hearts the moment they are born. Here are top 15 facts you need to know about kittens!

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