
We build bonds around the care of a pet. We connect parents, pets, and vets in a collaborative process.

Siamese - Mysterious Genetics of the Feline Royal
Cat Breeds
Siamese - Mysterious Genetics of the Feline Royal

To help you understand the root of the problem and our future plans for the [Siamese] breed, we have summarized a brief introduction into the breed history, Siamese genetics and our forthcoming strategy for the reintroduction of the breed to the [Basepaws] reports.

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Haemophilia in Cats
Cat Diseases
Haemophilia in Cats

Haemophilia in cats is a group of rare hereditary bleeding disorders in which a cat’s blood doesn’t clot appropriately in case of an injury. Here is happens when a cat bleeds, how bleeding disorders develop, and what haemophilia really is.

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Basepaws Breed Report: Newest Iteration
Basepaws Report
Basepaws Breed Report: Newest Iteration

The newest Basepaws Breed report is the most accurate one yet, and we are very proud to present the new improvements to you!

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