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How to Clean Cat Ears
Cats CareCat Grooming

How to Clean Cat Ears

March 04, 2024

Cats are generally known for self-grooming, so keeping them clean is not a problem. The only location where they may need a little bit of help is cleaning their ears as it is not something they can do on their own.Ā 

Should I Clean My Cat's Ears?

The answer is yes. Cat owners neĀ­ed to check and wipe theĀ­ir pet's ears every two weeks. It's very important for their overall health. Vets also clean felineĀ­ ears during visits. If you donā€™t know how to clean your catā€™s ears but want to keep them healthy, forgo the ear cleaning procedure for the week when you visit the vet because overcleaning is also bad for the cat.

Š”at Ear Mites vs Wax

Ear mites, wax buildup, and ear infections plague all furry felines alike. Ear mites and ear wax can be difficult for pet owners to differentiate. Telling the difference between the coffee grounds-like secretions and mites is tricky yet important for proper treatment, as mites cause inflammation in the ear canal. Both come out at different times of the year but often tend to happen together. Do not clean your cat's ears or let anybody else do so if you think they have ear mites or an infection. Go to a veterinarian for actual medical help.

Health Benefits of Grooming Your Cat

Grooming your cat periodically has immense health benefits. With proper care and grooming, your cat will have reduced shedding and fewer hairballs. They will also be parasite-free and the overall health will improve tremendously. The simple act of brushing your catā€™s fur improves circulation and makes the fur coat healthierā€”regular grooming offers many additional health benefits such as reduced mites and ticks and fewer infections.Ā 

Preparation for Ear Cleaning

Cleaning your cat's ears at home is truly fairly simple to accomplish. There will be no need to visit the vet anymore after a few trials. All you need are some tools to clean your catā€™s ears at home.

Supplies For Cleaning Your Cat's Ears

Ear Cleaning Solution

Ask your veterinarian before purchasing a cat ear cleaning to ensure the greatest fit for your pet's needs. PetMD recommends using a vet-approved cleaner for the best results and to enhance your feline's general health.Ā 

Cotton Ball

Simple cotton balls or pads are sufficient for cleaning cat ears so you do not need to go out and get them specifically if you already have some at home.Ā 


A towel will catch any extra liquid that drips from the ear and it can also help you swaddle the cat for a calming and relaxing hold.Ā 


Having someone with you for cat ear cleaning may be really beneficial, especially if your kitty isn't used to getting their ears cleaned at home. However, you may clean them on your own as well, so if you can't find a companion, don't cancel the grooming session.Ā 


Offering tasty goodies at the conclusion of an ear-cleaning session can help the cat develop a pleasant association with the procedure.Ā 

How-To: A Detailed Guide for Cleaning Your Cat's Ears

You are almost ready, these straightforward step-by-step instructions will make this process very simple.

  1. Swaddle your cat with a blanket or towel to keep them comfy. Speak to them in a calm tone to calm them down.

  2. To remove debris and extra ear wax, gently swab the cat's ear with a cotton ball while holding them by the outer flap.

  3. Examine each ear closely for any signs of infection, swelling, or redness. If you notice any, cease cleaning the ear right away and make an appointment with the vet. If ear mites are not treated for an extended period of time, the cat's ear canal may sustain significant damage, according to the Cornell Feline Health Center. If the catā€™s ear seems to be clean and infection-free, use a clean dropper to deposit the cleaning solution. Make sure that you use plenty of the solution to flood the ear. The cat will shake themself to remove any access solution, so keep your towel handy during this stage.

  4. Gently hold the catā€™s head and massage the base of the ear with your finger. This will allow the solution to break through the wax and debris. Hold the ear flap gently and continue to talk to your cat in a soothing voice while doing so.

  5. Hold a cotton ball or pad, carefully wipe the catā€™s ear to clean it and remove any excess solution in the ear. Clean the ear thoroughly inside and outside.

  6. Offer your cat a reward like a tasty treat for behaving well and putting up with the cleaning process.Ā 


Frequent ear cleaning for your cat is not difficult, particularly if you know the steps and have all the tools you need readily available. Cat itchy ears and infections can be easily avoided by following a regular cleaning and grooming schedule. Also be sure to follow the steps properly and thoroughly to avoid any complications.Ā 

Frequently Asked QuestionsĀ 

How to clean cat ears if you are inexperienced?Ā 

Follow all the steps outlined in this article and make sure that you schedule periodic checkups with the vet.

Why is there black stuff in my cat's ears?

The black specks you notice could indicate an infection, wax, debris, or ear mites. If you are unsure about what it is, the best course of action is to go to the veterinarian and get their professional opinion.

How do you clean cat ears with a diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide?

Never use hydrogen peroxide. It is very harmful to your felineā€™s health and cannot be used in any form to clean your cat's ears. The solution can end up doing permanent damage to your pet.

Do indoor cats get dirty ears?

While indoor cats usually have clean ears and they may not get very dirty, you should still examine the ears regularly and keep them clean.Ā 

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