Dog Insider

Celebrating the Charm, Unique Personalities, and Unconditional Love of Our Furry Companions

American Akita vs Japanese Akita
Dog Breed
American Akita vs Japanese Akita

Did you know that there are two distinct breeds of Akita? It may come as a surprise to many dog enthusiasts that the name “Akita” can apply to two separate breeds: the American Akita and the Japanese Akita Inu. From myths and misconceptions, here is everything you need to know about these great canines.

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Why Does My Dog Pee When Excited?
Dog CareDog TrainingDog Behavior
Why Does My Dog Pee When Excited?

Why do dogs pee when excited? A simple answer is that pups have less control over their bladders when excited and could quickly drizzle some urine. However, every dog parent must rule out the likelihood of an underlying medical condition and put such behavior under control.

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Why Does My Dog Stink?
Dog FactsDog CareDog Wellness
Why Does My Dog Stink?

Dogs often start smelling bad and no matter what you do, it does not go away. In this article we discuss the possible reasons for this odor and tell you how to make it go away so that you can enjoy quality time with your pooch.

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