
We build bonds around the care of a pet. We connect parents, pets, and vets in a collaborative process.

Top 10 signs of dental disease in cats
Cat HealthDental Health
Top 10 signs of dental disease in cats

Dental disease can be painful, expensive, and even life-threatening. Since cats don’t brush their teeth everyday like we do, many of them will develop dental disease as early as when they are just 3 years old!

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The Average Cat, Beyond Genetics
Basepaws ReportCat BehaviorCat BreedsCat HealthCat Genetics
The Average Cat, Beyond Genetics
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Encyclopedia of Cat Chromosomes, Diseases and Traits
Basepaws ReportCat Genetics
Encyclopedia of Cat Chromosomes, Diseases and Traits

Many pet parents in the Basepaws community expressed an interest in learning more about what genes reside on each cat chromosome, and about the "Chromosome Map." In this blog, we share all that is currently known about feline chromosomes and genes associated with hereditary conditions and traits.

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