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Cats Behavior

Why does my cat follow me everywhere?
Cats BehaviorCat Needs
Why does my cat follow me everywhere?

Almost all cats are conservative. Any changes unsettle them. The most disturbing events in a cat's life include a change of residence. So, let's analyze an essential aspect of a cat's behavior: "Why does my cat follow me everywhere?"

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Why do cats purr
Cat Fun FactsCat NeedsCats Behavior
Why do cats purr

A cat purring is a distinct vibrating sound of varying duration, often in a low pitch, that is generated by vibrations in the range of 20 to 50 hertz (according to Elisabeth von Muggenthaler, a bioacoustic specialist at the Fauna Communication Institute in North Carolina). This mode is pleasant to the human ear, it does not cause anxiety and irritation. This article will help answer two main questions. “Why do cats purr?” and “How do cats purr?”

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What does catnip do to cats
Cat Fun FactsCats CareCats Behavior
What does catnip do to cats

Have you seen all these catnip products in different stores for a while now? Did you know that’s for a reason? Most cats absolutely adore catnip, even preferring it over raw meat. Still, sometimes, this product doesn't bring any benefit to their health. We are here to inform you about the true features of catnip and tell you if it is as beneficial as the manufacturers of pet products claim.

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