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What Fruit Can Cats Eat?
Cat Food

What Fruit Can Cats Eat?

Cats are typically obligate carnivores, meaning that their diet mainly includes meat. But the question that often pops up is “Can cats have fruit?” The answer is yes, but in moderation. Also, since cats generally lack sweet taste receptors, they would most likely not get tempted by fruits and if they do, it may be due to their smell or texture.

Let's explore the types of fruit cats can safely eat and their nutritional benefits, and understand what fruit is dangerous for cats in this detailed guide.  

What Types of Fruit Are Safe for Cats?

If you have thought of the question “What fruits can cats eat safely?” we have a list of fruits you can give your cat. Only make sure to remove seeds, pits, and stems, as they may be dangerous. 


Apples are typically safe for cats. It offers the same benefits to your feline as it does to humans. The flesh of apples has higher calcium, vitamin C, vitamin K, and pectin, and the skin has phytonutrients. You can offer your cat apples in small slices with skin. 

However, remember to avoid seeds and stems when giving it to your cat. Also, you must keep rotten apples away from cats as they can have higher levels of ethanol (alcohol), which can pose a threat. 


Bananas provide nutrients like vitamin B6, vitamin C, fiber, and potassium. Bananas can be offered to your cat occasionally as a treat because of the higher sugar content and can usually be filling. Ensure the banana is ripe when offering because its peel is not advisable for cats' consumption. 


Blackberries are also safe for your cat and are full of antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber. Cut in bite-size portions before offering them to your cat. 


Blueberries also have numerous nutrients, such as vitamins A, C, K, E, and flavonoids. These are often called superfoods because they contain higher levels of antioxidants, which help maintain eye health and act as anti-inflammatories. Additionally, blueberries are low in calories. 

Cantaloupe and Watermelon

Cantaloupe is a good source of beta-carotene, vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants. Watermelon can be a refreshing and hydrating treat for your cat in hot weather, and there is more - it contains vitamins A, B, C, and potassium. Before offering these fruits to your feline friend, remember to remove seeds and rind, as they can be a choking hazard and difficult to digest.


You can give cranberries to your cat as they contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber. However, double-check the dried cranberries, as they are sometimes sold in packs with raisins (these are toxic to cats and dogs). 


Mango is a perfect sweet treat for your cat, rich in vitamins B6, C, A, and fiber. You can offer small slices or cubes of mango flesh; however, avoid giving the cat the skin and pit.

Nectarines and Peaches

Cats can have nectarines and peaches in small amounts. Be sure you only offer the flesh of nectarines and peaches and remove the pit before serving them to your feline companion. 


Papaya is another fruit that is safe for cats to relish. It is rich in calcium, folate, potassium, and vitamins A, C, E, and K. 


Pears are a good source of copper, fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin K and are perfectly safe for cats. However, remove the seeds, stem, and core before offering them to your cat as they can cause a choking hazard.

Raspberries and Strawberries

Raspberries and strawberries are safe for cats to eat and contain nutritional benefits. Raspberries are high in vitamins A, B, C, and E and minerals, and strawberries contain folate, potassium, manganese, vitamin C, and fiber. 

These berries are also excellent sources of antioxidants, which can help with inflammatory conditions like allergies, arthritis, and cancer. Also, remove leaves and stems and wash them properly before serving them in small bite-size pieces to your cat. 

What Fruit Is Dangerous for Cats?

Before introducing fruits to your cat, you must understand what fruits cats can not eat and should avoid offering them. 


The flesh of grapefruit is not harmful to cats, but the higher acidity levels may cause stomach upsets. However, the seeds, peel, and plant can cause long-term gastrointestinal issues and photosensitive dermatitis. You must avoid offering grapefruits to your cat. 


Grapes and raisins should not be offered to cats because these fruits can cause digestive issues, diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, and in some cases, acute kidney failure.

Oranges, Lemons, and Limes

According to an article by PetMD, oranges, lemons, and limes contain oils and compounds that can cause diarrhea, vomiting, digestive issues, and even central nervous system depression. 

So, Should I Offer My Cat Fruit?

Like any other human food, fruits should be offered in moderation because when given in large amounts, they cause stomach upsets. So, provide your cat with fruits to consume as an occasional treat. 

The best would be to give your cat a good quality diet consisting of sufficient nutrition for them. Cats may not necessarily need plant nutrients because they can manufacture their source. 


When offering your feline friend human foods, it is essential to know what fruits and vegetables cats can eat that do not cause digestive or other health issues. So, whenever you decide to introduce any fruit or vegetable to your cat, first consult with your veterinarian. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Do cats eat fruit? 

Cats are obligate carnivores and their diet mainly consists of meat. However, you can offer fruits to your cat in small amounts. 

What fruits can cats eat and not eat?

Cats can eat small amounts of apples, bananas, cantaloupe, watermelon, mango, cranberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries. Fruits that cats cannot eat include grapefruit, grapes, oranges, lemons, and limes. 

What is a cat's favorite fruit?

Cantaloupe is often considered a cat’s favorite fruit because it produces a scent similar to the proteins in meat.  

Do cats enjoy fruit?

According to an article in the Journal of Nutrition, cats generally lack receptors for sweet taste; at best, they will enjoy fruits for their texture or scent. 

Can cats lick fruit?

Yes, cats can lick and even eat fruits in moderation, such as apples, mangoes, strawberries, blueberries, and bananas.

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