Pelizaeus-Merzbacker disease, also known as Shaking Puppy disease, is a group of conditions centered on defective neuronal axons. These compromised neurons create a delay of information relay between the brain and the body.
X-linked recessive
Early-onset symptoms can include tremors, muscle weakness, and loss of limb control due to the delay between the brain and body.
A veterinarian will conduct a thorough exam, including a review of health history and any clinical signs. Neurological tests, including imaging, may be required for a definitive diagnosis. Genetic testing is necessary to determine an underlying genetic cause.
Nadon NL, Duncan ID, Hudson LD. A point mutation in the proteolipid protein gene of the 'shaking pup' interrupts oligodendrocyte development. Development. 1990 Oct;110(2):529-37. doi: 10.1242/dev.110.2.529. PMID: 1723945.
Disease diagnosis and treatment should always be performed by a veterinarian. The following information is for educational purposes only.
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