Cat Care

At Home Feline Dental Care - Top "Flip the Lip" Tips
Cat CareDental Health
At Home Feline Dental Care - Top "Flip the Lip" Tips

Pet dental care starts at home. In this blog, you'll learn how to examine your cat’s teeth and gums, as well as the the signs to look for when it comes to the state of your cat’s mouth. By “flipping the lip” on a regular basis you will be able to detect and address issues before they progress, and help your kitty live pain-free.

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Safe Holiday Tips For Your Cat
Cat CareCat Health
Safe Holiday Tips For Your Cat

While 2020 may look a little different than holidays past, many of our traditions remain the same. Decorations, presents, and the gift of giving keep the season bright for all. But in all the celebrations and decorations lurk several dangers for pets. To help keep the holidays safe and bright, here are some tips for holiday safety.

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11 people and organizations that make this world better for cats
Cat Care
11 people and organizations that make this world better for cats

October 29 is National Cat Day, and what better way to celebrate it than by highlighting some of the most fantastic, selfless, hard working, smart, and overall brilliant individuals and organizations that make this world a better place for cats?

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