Cat Care

How to Make A Vet-Visit Less Stressful
Cat Care
How to Make A Vet-Visit Less Stressful

Once again the time has come for your cat to pay a visit to the vet. Ugh! Your cat is scared, you're stressed, everything is a hectic mess. Don't worry, we can help! Here are our top ten tips that will help you make a vet visit less stressful both for you and your cat.

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Top 5 Wellness Tips for a Healthy and Happy Cat
Cat Care
Top 5 Wellness Tips for a Healthy and Happy Cat

To help you promote your cat's wellness, here are our top 5 wellness tips for healthy and happy cats. A healthy cat makes for a happy cat!

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How to Walk A Cat
Cat Care
How to Walk A Cat

Many people find it quite challenging to walk their cats on a leash. However, with a bit of patience and work, you too can totally walk a cat!

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