We all know that human females have menstrual cycles, which occurs when the uterus sheds its lining once every 28 days or so. But what about your cat? Do cats have periods? Is there such a thing as cat menstruation? Cats are among the group of mammals that go through estrus, a process also known as "in heat." Learn more about estrus, its signs, and how to support a cat in heat.
How can you tell if your cat is fully grown? Learn about cat life stages and developmental milestones that can help you find out whether or not your cat has grown to full maturity. Know when to make important decisions that will help you best support their health and well-being, such as whether your cat is ready for adult cat food or at what age they should be spayed or neutered.
If youâre the parent of a cat, you know that keeping your beloved family member safe is paramount, especially when it comes to them coming into contact with plants in your home. The spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum), also called anthericum, ribbon plant, and spider ivy, is a common household plant. Could a spider plant pose a threat to your favorite feline? What effect could a spider plant have on your cat if they ate it? Do you need to stop your cat from eating a spider plant? Read this blog to find the answers to these questions and more.