Cat Insider

Celebrating the Charm, Unique Personalities, and Unconditional Love of Our Furry Companions

Cat Dwarfism vs Munchkin Cats
Cat Breed
Cat Dwarfism vs Munchkin Cats

Dwarfism in cats, like in humans, results from a specific gene mutation. Dwarf cats differ from miniature cats in genes and traits. This article explains dwarf and Munchkin cats and their care.

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How to Stop Kitten from Biting
Cats BehaviorCat Training
How to Stop Kitten from Biting

Biting is a normal behavior in kittens and they often grow out of it as they mature. However, you can reduce this behavior early on by proper playtime with toys, encouraging socializing, redirecting their attention and rewarding good behavior.

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Best Cat Treats
Cat Food
Best Cat Treats

Cats bring comfort and joy to our lives; so it’s important to provide them with love and treats. This article will help you become confident when choosing treats for cats and ensuring the best treat for your companion.

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