Cat Insider

Celebrating the Charm, Unique Personalities, and Unconditional Love of Our Furry Companions

Gray cat names: How to come up with the best name for your gray-colored cat
Cat NamesCat Colors
Gray cat names: How to come up with the best name for your gray-colored cat

If you have your new pet cat, you are probably searching for a unique name that will make your adorable pet stands out among the crowd of cats. Finding the perfect name is not that easy. You must consider certain things that will make the cat's name reasonable. Like the color of his fur? Her weight? Color of her eyes, etc.

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Halloween Cat Names for Your Pet
Cat Names
Halloween Cat Names for Your Pet

Halloween is a fun holiday. People dress up and allow their imagination to go wild. The origin of the holiday from the Celtic festival called Samhain. The Celts wore costumes to look like a ghost while performing rituals by a bonfire. They believed that pretending to be ghouls, keeps supernatural beings away. Thus, the practice of dressing up in eerie clothing has become a practice.

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Top spiritually-inspired cat names for your kitten
Cat Names
Top spiritually-inspired cat names for your kitten

Picking a name for your adorable cat that will stand out among another cat person is fun. We can be creative, like getting a name from a favorite movie or tv show. We can pick a name from foods and colors. And sometimes, we can go beyond our limits and pick a name from the supernatural and unforeseen force side of our world.

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