Cat Insider

Celebrating the Charm, Unique Personalities, and Unconditional Love of Our Furry Companions

California's Most Popular Cat Names
Cat Names
California's Most Popular Cat Names

As soon as you get your new kitten home, it would help if you started thinking of a name for it. Many wish to learn about their kitten's characteristics before deciding on a name. In some cases, however, a character will come to you when you look at your new kitten.

The worlds of popular culture and entertainment offer a wealth of potential names for your new male cat, whether you're a die-hard cinephile, a casual Netflix watcher, or a dedicated reader. Your cat may spend a lot of time sleeping in front of the warm TV, so don't be alarmed if you find it there.

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US Most Popular Cat Names
Cat NamesCat Colors
US Most Popular Cat Names

We all love our cats and giving them a name that you love is important. With over 100 million cats that have names, and new ones needing names every day, how can you find the perfect name for your furry feline friend?

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10 Ways Cats Show They Love You
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10 Ways Cats Show They Love You

If you've owned dogs before and recently got a cat, you've probably noticed a considerable difference in their behaviors. Dogs are pretty easy to see when they're trying to tell you they love you, but what about cats? How can you know if your cat is trying to show that they love you? Well, there are ten main ways that cats show they love you.

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