The adage that a cat's lifespan is equivalent to seven human years is probably something you heard of. You might not be aware that this is a cat myth that many of us have come to accept. A one-year-old cat is considerably more mature than a seven-year-old child, but one human year corresponds to seven "cat years."
The purr is one of the distinctive and very endearing characteristics of the feline. Purring is a component of coziness and warmth in the house. But what does it mean when our cat purrs? Perhaps in such a way, she wants to tell us something or warn us?
If you've owned dogs before and recently got a cat, you've probably noticed a considerable difference in their behaviors. Dogs are pretty easy to see when they're trying to tell you they love you, but what about cats? How can you know if your cat is trying to show that they love you? Well, there are ten main ways that cats show they love you.