Celebrating the Charm, Unique Personalities, and Unconditional Love of Our Furry Companions
The adage that a cat's lifespan is equivalent to seven human years is probably something you heard of. You might not be aware that this is a cat myth that many of us have come to accept. A one-year-old cat is considerably more mature than a seven-year-old child, but one human year corresponds to seven "cat years."
Have you ever wondered why your cat keeps licking you? It's a typical query that plenty of cat owners have. The fact is that your cat may lick you for a variety of reasons, many of which have to do with love.
The purr is one of the distinctive and very endearing characteristics of the feline. Purring is a component of coziness and warmth in the house. But what does it mean when our cat purrs? Perhaps in such a way, she wants to tell us something or warn us?