Celebrating the Charm, Unique Personalities, and Unconditional Love of Our Furry Companions
When people think of pet problems, they usually picture common outdoor animals like dogs and cats. However, indoor pets can also suffer from issues like fleas. Sure, it's not a pleasant thought to consider, but fleas don't discriminate; they will hitch a ride on any warm body that passes by, whether it's a dog, cat, or even a human. So, if you have an indoor cat, can they get fleas?
The adage that a cat's lifespan is equivalent to seven human years is probably something you heard of. You might not be aware that this is a cat myth that many of us have come to accept. A one-year-old cat is considerably more mature than a seven-year-old child, but one human year corresponds to seven "cat years."
Have you ever wondered why your cat keeps licking you? It's a typical query that plenty of cat owners have. The fact is that your cat may lick you for a variety of reasons, many of which have to do with love.